was to accompany Dr. Ritcher and INSECT ENEMIES FIGHT MAN'S °
Mr. W. W. Magill on an inspection BATTLES IN KEN'l‘UCKY ·
trip in the county, to start a detailed ORCHARDS (\‘
study of the crown b0l‘€l- p_ ()_ Rwenmgl Entomology D€pur‘!· Ml
We called upon Mr. C. M. Seaton, ,,lc,ll_ U,l;,l,6,·S;;y of Kcmllckll
wl1o was reported to have suffered lu
. heavy borer injury. On visiting Mr. We usually sive u lot of crcdlt lo xi
` Seg_tch’g heyyy patch we found that {110 W€Il[h6l' fllld to SDI`8.y pl`OgI'llllIS LE
I this insect had destroyed more than f()I' COIl[l`Olllllg lllSBC[ p88[B of p€D.Ch€B,
half Of his pg_[ch_ In lcgg than {hre HDDIBB, illld [>ll\HlS. OHBII, \lllllO[lC€(1 “·
minutes Dr. Rltcher had picked up by Ulé Sl‘0\\‘€l‘, llllwcl 0ll•3ml€¤ of Ul€9•¢ 19
three of the adult crown borers around ll<‘SlS MG d0lll¤ ll lwlld Sllllw of UW
one berry plant. In a few minutes DUB! ll€$¥l‘ll€ll0ll· l _
`  ‘ Buch of US had l€l1l`¤€d how Y0 mld 'l‘his past year, at the Exull orchard, l`;
lll€llttl€lll9€€t· located at Paducalt, a small para- lll
A field on Mr. Seaton's fa1·m, sev— site killed 10 per cent of the over-
e1·al hundred yards away from any wintering codling moth worms. The _
. old plants, was selected for a new worms killed over the winter by all (il
. berry field. A few days later, in other causes amounted to about 17 ¤\·
' » advance of the egg laying period, per cent. l·"
which is soon after the first of March. lll ll colleclloll of llllllll culullllll
Mr. Seaton, assisted by Dr. Ritcher, llll.l,lll, llllllle lll Jlllle Ol lllls yclll. lll tn
dug new plants from the crown borer lllll (_llll.l.Qll 0l.clllll.ll lll “·lllllllUl.ll ui
infested v¤¤=l¤· Thess l¤¤=¤l¤¤v pew County, 28 per cent of the cnrculios ld
plants were thoroughly washed and ll.l,l.€ lllllell lly ll wllsll pul.llSlll,_
the old growth and husks carefully _ _, _ _ _, _ lll
V ._ l.€m0v€d_ They were than alleelell lll·· Often. Ouental fiuit moth is lnauili F,
on borer free soil until land could be uddeked DY pdmsded _Thle e“m'“e'· “'
¤*‘·*¤m for ¤1¤¤¤¤g· it ll‘§.,,li§?;.,¥:· .?l"§2,.‘i’§Il“L‘$" ,%%**,*5;*
` AS evleeeee that these Simple mee? ond brood Oriental worms were killed
. ures, properly carried out, will ehnn- lly lllsecl lllllulqlles
, nate crown borer, we are glad to re- ` ` '
I port that this acre of Aroma berries _ _ _ _   l v_ _
. Oll Ml._ Seamnls mlm yleldell lll excess (,11ack on Oatmrm. }*|lIlII Moi n
, of 200 crates per acre this spring of P*"‘*‘S“`“$
l 1938. This, so far as I know, was Tins year, as part er a joint project
  One of U}9 highest lll M€Cl`il€k€ll between the Federal Government and
~ j I (`0llllfY thls YBB-1'. the Experiment Station, 38 collections
1 . ’ For experimental purposes, Dr, of twigs wilted by Oriental fruit moth
_ Q Ritcher obtained plants from the same were made in 20 western Kentucky
~ lf source on Mr. Seaton’s farm, after peach orchards. This material, com-
`   {   the egg laying period in the spring of prising about 5,000 infested twigs, was
_ p gé 1937, and removed these plants to shipped to the Federal parasite labora—
, l ' g f the Western Kentucky Substation tory at Moorestown, New Jersey, where
; l g farm at Princeton, Ky. Practically the parasites will be reared.
. “   Y every pldppef the experimental pldpp The purpose of this work is to check
2 §·$ mg at Prmcemd developed c*`°“"p on the establishment of foreign para—
    borers and were “"·m"a·uY d mud sites recently released in Kentucky
_. -   loss. orchards in an attempt to C0llll`0l lllv
_, __;__‘¢_ z ·‘ Mr. Seaton, like dozens of other Oriental fruit moth by using its Insect
_;_{¤ ;·l growers in the area, felt that he had enemies,
  g; been fighting a losing battle with
    ; crown borers prior to 1937, but now
      ie eels that the crown borer can be ·· , . , p
  whipped by following the simple IREE RIPDNDD IRUIT
  recommendations for eliminating the Home-grown tree ripencd pt-aclies
  crown borer. These are; Dig plants are now available at many places in
.'Zj`é~§f fg Q from November 1st to March lst, wasn the state for home canning, pickling
  ll at once, removing all dirt and dead and making of peach butter. The
  ;¥_ 5 l and spotted leaves, Plant at once, white flesh varieties, such as Belle of
··;,··fl..;,il or "heel in", in clean soil. The new Georgia and Champion are always in
  ._r. l   patch should be at least 100 yards demand, once they have been given a
gli,  _l l l from old plantings or wild hosts. Wild trial. If you do not grow peaches for
;j ‘l·._   ;`; hosts are the wild strawberry, Indian home use, drive to a nearby orchard
-_ ,. V. ‘ · strawberry and the common wild Cin- and buy a bushel of treo i·ipem·il
  quefoil, or live finger. peaches.
l.;‘.   ..  
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