June 26, 1867.

   in Commer-
   cial College

 Regent auth-
 orized to
 employ an
 assi stant

 on standing

 Report of
 the Presi-
 dent of the
 Agri. Col.

 of the
 College s.

 Session of
 the Colleges.

 action of the
Exec. Com. ra-
tified in past.

Report of the
:03. on Finan-

    A proposition in writing was submitted by Mr. Hollirgsworth
respecting instruction in the Commercial Department during the
next session.
    On motion this communication was refered to the Executive
Committee in connection with the Senate.
    On motion of Curator Tarbitt it was resolved that on account of
the heavy labor imposed on the Regent on account of his discharging
the duties of the Treasurer in addition to those of the Regent,
he be authorized to employ a suitable assistant and pay him what-
ever Salary he may deem proper.
    A resolution has offered by Curator Joseph Smith that a Com-
mittee of three be appointed by the Chair to report on the subject
of establishing standing Committees to whom shall be referred the
business of the University.
    Committee, Curators Joseph Smith, D. T. Morton, and A. H. Bowman.
    The Regent having laid before the Board the report of President
Williams of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, on motion this
report was ordered to be referred to a Committee of three to be ap-
pointed by the Chairl
    Committee, Curators John Shackelford, Jr. Z. F. Smith and J. L.
Cal dwell.
    The report of the Executive Committee was taken up for examina-
tion.  Curator Gratz, offered the following resolutioGns (see below)
    After some discussion, on motion of Curator Shackelford Sr. the
Board adjourned to meet at 3 P. M. 'Resolved that the sessions of
the Colleges of Ky. University, except that of law, shall be coincide
/141/  3 P. M. The Board met pursuant to a.jounment. Present. R.
M. Bishop, Pres't, John B. Dowman, Bemjamin Gratz, Joseph -Wasson,
D. S. Goodloe, D. T. Morton, G. W. Elley, A. H. Bowman, Joseph
Smith, R. Gi White, John Shackelford, Sr. Z. F. Smith, G. P. Tar-
bitt, John Shackelford, Jr. Jas. L. Caldwell, I. S. Woolfolk,
Andrew Steele.
    The resolution of Curator Gratz, offered in the morning session,
that the sessions of the colleges of Ky. University, except the
College of Law, shall be coincident, was taken up, discussed, and
    On motion of Curator Shackelford, Jr. the following resolution
was adopted; Resolved, that the action of the Executive Committee
during the past session be ratified, except so far as it relates
to the beginning and close of the Sessions of the Agricultural
and Mechanical College.
    The Committee appointed to report on the Finances of the Uni-
versity with reference to the expenditures of 'the nest session
presented their report which was received.