
    E. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

    President Singletary pointed out that PR 3 contained only
routine personnel changes which had been received too late for
inclusion in PR 2. He recommended its approval. On motion by
Mr. Black, seconded by Professor Sears and passed, PR 3 was
approved and ordered made an official Dart of the Minutes of the
meeting.  (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

     F. Budget Revisions for 1978-79 (PR 4)

     Indicating that Mr. Carter, Budget Director, was present to
answer any questions, President Singletary recommended that
PR 4, Budget Revisions for 1978-79, be authorized and approved.
There being no questions, on motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by
Mr. Black and passed, the Budget Revisions as recommended in PR 4
were authorized and approved. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

     G. Appointment of Medical Staff, University Hospital (PR 5)

     Under the By-laws of the Medical Staff, University Hospital,
either the Board of Trustees or its Executive Committee must approve
appointments to the Medical Staff, including delineation of clinical
privileges. President Singletary reminded the Executive Committee
that at the July 7 meeting such approval had been given to the
physicians and dentists whose names were presented at that time.
Since that meeting several additional physicians have been recommended
for such appointments and approval is needed for those listed in
PR 5. The President recommended that such approval be given.

     On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Professor Sears and passed,
the appointments to the Medical Staff, University Hospital, of the
physicians listed in PR 5 were approved. (See PR 5 at the end of
the Minutes.)

    H. Capital Construction Project (PR 6)

    Occupancy of the new College of Nursing/Health Sciences Learning
Center in the summer of 1978 will free some space in the Medical
Sciences Building which, when renovated, will provide the opportunity
to relocate and consolidate some existing programs. The total cost
of such renovation is $392,600 with the funds being available within
the major renovation portion of the 1978-79 Operating Budget. It
is necessary, however, to receive approval from the Council on
Higher Education before the work can be undertaken and President
Singletary recommended approval of the renovation project for
submission to the Council on Higher Education.

     On motion by Professor Sears, seconded by Mr. Black, and
passed, the recommendation in PR. 6 relating to the renovation