ships or fellowships is limited to students enrolled in a particular college or de- Ol
partment. In other cases it is available to any student qualifying. A number of ht
prizes and awards are offered to students who do exceptional work, usually in a
particular department or college. Ol
Inquiries concerning scholarships and other awards should be addressed sf
to the Vice President’s oiiice. Applications for student loans should be made
to the Dean of the College of Commerce.
The Deon of Men and the Dean of Women E
The Dean of Men and the Dean of Women assist students with their prob-
lems and aid them in their adjustment to college life. Their ofHces serve as a V
general clearing house for matters pertaining to the welfare of all students. d
The Dean of Men and the Dean of Women seek at all times to help each {
student gain his maximum academic and personal development through normal, 8
interesting, and appropriate activities. 0
University Heulth Service f
The University recognizes a special obligation in the health of students
and maintains the University Health Service to help meet this obligation.
The Health Service staff includes physicians, nurses, technicians and U
clerical workers. Facilities include an out-patient department, or dispensary,
and an infirmary. Various clinical laboratory and x-ray services are available. i;
In serious illnesses or if major surgery is necessary, consultation is held S
with the student’s parents or his home physician. The student is then trans- 1
ferred to a local hospital or returned home when his condition is too involved S
for care in the Health Service. S
University Counseling und Testing Services
The services of the University Counseling and Testing Ofiiees are available I
to all students enrolled in the University. In addition, high-school students {
seeking help in planning a college program may utilize these services. There ,
are no fees for testing and counseling. 2
The University Counseling Service has a staff of trained counselors for the  
purpose of helping students with their problems. Some typical problems areas ,
are: ineffective study skills and habits, need for improved reading skills, dif-
ficulty in adjusting to the college environment, lack of a specific Held of in-  
terest, vocational planning, inadequate interpersonal relations, feelings of de- `
pression, emotional insecurity, and more specific problems of a personal nature. 1
Testing facilities are available upon referral from the Counseling Service. ,
Tests of intelligence, aptitude, achievement, personality, interest, study skills,  
I and many others may be used, if the student wishes, to aid him in under- `
standing himself and increasing his efficiency.
Counseling services are also available to staff and faculty. All interviews  
are confidential.
The University Counseling Service is located in Room 204, Administration
Building. Appointments may be made by contacting the Secretary, Extension
2205 or 2206.
Testing. The University Testing Service, Room 803, Administration Build-
ing, acts as a testing center for the administration of various standardized tests,
e.g., Graduate Record Examination, Medical College Admissions Test, National
Teachers Examination and the like. All placement and classification tests ad-
ministered to new and transfer students are given under the supervision of this —