A student who has been dropped from the college will not be recom- sa
mended by the Dean for re-admission to the college of Law until he has ad
remained out of the college for a semester and a Summer Session and has 1-8
received favorable consideration by the law faculty of a written petition stating
good reasons why he can do satisfactory academic work. E]
All Undergraduate and Professional Colleges  
The dean of each college shall submit to the Office of the Registrar a com- m
plete list of students placed upon academic probation or dropped from the _
University within two weeks after the dean has received the grade reports from ls?
the registrar at the close of the semester or term. cf
A student who is on academic probation may not be employed by any Vi
department or college of the University. This shall not prevent any department H'
or college from establishing higher standards for student employment. K
A student who is on academic probation shall not be allowed:
1. To serve as an oHicer or committee member in any campus organization; Sl
2. To participate in any University extra-curricular activity or in the c'
activity of any University organization if the participation involves the
expenditure of an appreciable amount of time. E
At any time the dean of a college in which a student is er1rolled may h
declare the student ineligible because of failure in current class work; at any
time the dean of women or the dean of men may declare a student ineligible C
whose participation in an activity is judged to be detrimental to the student, 5
the organization, or the University. d
Students shall be removed from probation only on the basis of residence S.
work at the University of Kentucky. Usually part-time work shall not be con-
sidered unless the student has been placed on probation because of un- 1.
satisfactory performance as a part-time student. A
Re—admission of a student who has been dropped from the University E
shall be upon recommendation of the dean of the college in which the student
is to be registered. However, the student shall have the right to appeal for a l
review of his case by the Scholarship and Attendance Committee of the (
University. (
A student who has been dropped a second time shall not be re-admitted t
to the University.
Each student shall be presented with a copy of the rules that deal with l
probation, dropping for low scholarship and re-admission. He shall be responsi- l
ble for being familiar with these rules and with their relationship to his l
situation. l
Acceptable Standards in English. Transfer students who rank below the
35th percentile in the National Cooperative Test in English, or in some com- `
parable test, shall be required to take a course in English composition during
'their first term, unless excused by a committee of the faculty of the Department
of English on the basis of themes written for this purpose.
Teachers in all courses are expected to call attention to and penalize for
errors in English usage, and to require the rewriting of papers which do not
meet acceptable standards of English.
Any instructor who Ends the written work of any student seriously defective
in English is expected to send a report on the case, together with specimen
papers, to the dean of the student’s college. A committee composed of this dean
and the head of the Department of English shall have power to require addi-
tional work in composition without credit. This remedial work shall begin not
later than the following semester and shall continue until the committee is