ic;3 W—Withdrew passing.
, on S—Satisfactory work in progress.
Grade E. The grade E means that the student can obtain credit in the
the course only by repeating the entire work of the course in class. In rare cases in
and which undue hardship is involved in repeating the work in class, the dean of
the college in which the student is enrolled may approve repeating the work
lent by correspondence.
sive Grade 1. The grade I means that part of the work of the course remains
the undone. It shall be given only when there is a reasonable possibility that a
sive passing grade will result from completion of the work. The instructor should
not give an I grade when the reason for incompleteness is unsatisfactory to him
tc.) or when it is not feasible to complete the work.
rust The grade I, for undergraduates, must be removed within one month after
ence the student re-enters the University unless the dean of the college in which
uch the student is enrolled grants an extension of time. I grades which are not
[en, removed within this time period shall be changed to E grades by the Registrar.
uch Grades of I, for graduate students, must be removed within one calendar year
of the close of the term in which the I was assigned unless the Dean of the
aces Graduate School grants an extension of time.
mst Grade S. The grade S may be recorded for students in courses of research,
Ban independent work, or seminar type, if at the end of a semester the student,
the because of the nature or size of the project, has been unable to complete the
course. The grade may not be given to a student who has done unsatisfactory
rust work or to one who has failed to do a reasonable amount of work. The project
must be substantially continuous in its progress. \Vhen the work is completed
*0** a final grade will be substituted for the S. ·
ent No student may receive a degree with I or S marks on his record without
ldd permission of his adviser and approval of the dean of his college.
)l?* Grade W. The Grade W is to be given only when the student has
m officially withdrawn or been dropped from a course.
Grades for Students Who Withdraw or are Dropped. No grade will be
recorded for a student who officially withdraws or is dropped from a class
the during the first ten class days of a term. After these dates, students who
·h€ oHicially withdraw or who are dropped from a class are to be given W or E,
ud as reported by the instructor of a class.
1ct Reporting Final Grades. The final grades shall be filed with the Registrar’s
Ofiice by the date announced in the official calendar. Grades for all candidates
pgs for degrees shall be filed in the Registrafs Ofiice by such dates as determined
by that Office.
16 Changing of Grades. A mark once reported to the Registrar’s Office shall
E0; not be changed except when the instructor states in writing that an error has
been made or that an injustice would be done if the mark remained unchanged.
is Grade Point Average. Grade Point Average is the ratio of the number of
points gained to the number of credits attempted, a W, I, or S being ignored.
Z0? Credit Hours. In general, undergraduate courses are developed on the
principle that one semester hour of credit represents three hours of effort per
@6 week for a semester on the part of the student. I
Credit for short courses of less than eight weeks shall be limited to one
fw credit hour per week.
Transcript of Record. A student who, for any reason, withdraws from
the University in good standing is entitled to a transcript of his record. The