University Art Gallery. A series of changing exhibitions is presented each
year in the University Art Gallery under the direction of the Department of ·
Art. These exhibitions include paintings, drawings, prints, photography, and t1€$
sculpture by major masters of the past and present, work by contemporary 11€€
artists of the region, and an Annual Student Exhibition. Major exhibitions OPI
which were held in 1959 include: Pct
Drawings and Paintings by Robert Partin of the Women’s College of the the
University of North Carolina, formerly instructor in art at the University of am
Kentucky. ing
Paintings, Drawings and Collages by William Walrnsley of Murray State me
College and Edward Hewett, formerly of Louisville, now teaching at Ohio Y.}
State University. ent
Collage-Constructions by Raymond Barnhart, Associate Professor of Art, ati
University of Kentucky. Sm
African Tribal Sculpture and Crafts lent by the University of Pennsylvania ls _
Museum, Philadelphia. 2;
Paintings by Walter Stevens and Carl Sublett of Knoxville, Tennessee.
Graphics, ’59 I, Prints and Drawings invited from over seventy of America’s ex,
leading artists. pp
Dramatics. Each year the Guignol Theatre presents a series of plays in S0?
which students, faculty, and others interested in dramatics may participate. CP
Other Opportunities. The Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. sponsor a series of in- isc
formal discussions in the Student Union, the men’s dormitories, the w0men’s 6]
dormitories, and in the various fraternities and sororities. The Cosmopolitan pr
Club, composed of students and faculty from foreign countries and the United pc
States, seeks to promote international good will and world brotherhood through S0
social, educational and cultural programs. Departmental clubs add effectively
to the cultural life of the University. T*
The University has its own FM station (91,300 megacycles), carrying the bl
call letters WBKY. Students taking courses in Radio Arts, and others of demon- P‘
strated talents, are permitted to gain actual broadcasting experience by filling Ol
positions on this station. From the WVBKY studios, programs are also broadcast af
to VV HAS, Louisville, the Lexington commercial stations, and other outlets.
Religious Life K
The University, because it is distinctly interested in the religious life of  
students, encourages them to participate regularly in the worship of the church It
of their choice and to afliliate themselves with such student religious groups as il
may be provided. On the campus the Young Men’s Christian Association and _°
the Young VVomen’s Christian Association are active student-led organizations, li
each with a full-time director. The Y.M.C.A. has a half-time assistant working E
with freshmen in the dormitories. Frequently great spiritual leaders are brought
to the University to speak. {
Through the existence of student groups representing most major branches
of lewish and Christian Faiths, spiritual growth may be nourished. The activi— l
ties of these groups are coordinated through the Interfaith Council. Most student t
religious groups fumish trained personnel who are sympathetic counselors and  
who are actively interested in the student’s lives. ;
The Phalanx Fraternity, and the Dutch Lunch Club are other student t
groups meeting regularly under the auspices of the YMCA and YWCA.