Page Page
Absences .................. _ .._ ....... ,, ............ 33 Recommendations for Prospective
Acadennc and Administrative Staff 349 Medical Students .........,........,. 59
Academic Probation, Dropping for Residence Requirements .................. 58
Ad 1.·Q\’;-Yr Scholaéship '11eadmissiou.. 4232 ¥opica1 Related Féelds ............   56
min1s a 1ve ommi ees ............ ‘ utorial Work an
Admgigrativiyand Service 40 U Comprehensive Examinations ..  
r aniza ions .......................... D' ' ' R ' t ....
Administrative Organization, Ashlgiigr Cexgioll .....   186
University ................................ 2 Astronomy .................,...................... 236
Admissions ...................................... 16 Audio-Visual Services .............. 187, 343
Aeronautical Engineering .............. 277 Audiology Clinic ......................i..... 346
` Agricultural Economics .................. 275 Auditors ....................,...........,..... 18, 30
g i.gricu1;ur;1 Engineefing ................   Automobiles .................................   26
_ 1'lC\1 LII I1 OITAO Ugy ................
  Agricultural Experiment Station .... 342 Bacteriology ................................ 67, 204
Agr1cultural Marketing .................... 275 Botany .............................. , ......... 68, 206
Agricultural Extension ............ 280, 342 Bureau of Business Research .......... 343
1 Agricultural Statistics ............... Z ...... 275 Bureau of Community Service ........ 343
_ Agriculture and Home Economics, Bureau of Government Research .... 343
I AdCollege of . ......................... Tg, 23.3 Bureau of School Service ......l....... 344
l"l'11SSl0l'l ....................... . ...... , .
Curricula ...,................................ 91 C1 du, U · sity 7
[1 ggggqggg R¢<11111¤m€¤11 ··~··-···· gg eéila, ‘ui.?$Z$§ity .................... 33, 186
1 **01111* 11¤¤¤<·¤·1¤1 --··—·——-—··--·--·--—·-· 105 ‘éi?,§§i§; a"e;,;a;;‘;:;;;:;::::;;:1:;:;;:::; 233
l1;;;i$§l;g1tgg1m11 ''‘'‘`'''''''''‘'''''‘‘'‘'''‘'   Chemical Engineering .................... 296
P1·=-V<=1€¤1¤1~ —·-·-»···---·-·» . ··--·-----·· 1 03 C*‘F;‘2i§§§&;i‘·‘::;:;::1:::;;;:;:;:;;::;:;:;i:;??: 223
i;;:?,"m;1€.§¥?%?i.£?é*1i€&Fé.???.,;;;;;; 12% C111   111 F1·¤1y,,, ,9,
. A11 C‘2"d1*1°¤i11¤ ··-·-·······-····-···—·—--·· 120 chi1aLgiii§imi&`é`s5£$i&é"ZffZfZ[ZfZI ...... T 242
2   '''''`'''''‘'‘°''‘`'‘' 62’ 123 Civil End Architectural Engineering 23;;
· · ` '`'‘''‘`'''''‘''''’‘'''' Classi cation .................................... ..
  ggiuiglcxa ;I§t0H·1ygi613駷·::;;;:;:65;   Clgsgificfttion in Foreign Languages 3%
1 A C· t L 64 195 Classification of Transfer Students .. 3...
I nAien)_ anguages .................... , 198 Clothing, Textiles, Costume Dcsigm
, Fxelic ...................i.................... 196 and Interim Design ________ 108, 291
ilsgzew ........................................   1`gedicinm A1gts_D€“dsu_y) Ans_ 58
;§·;;;qg{   --····-—·—~····——·—·--—~-· @33 Commencement Honors .................. 35
Animfl1P,‘th010g,y ````''‘`'`''''''''’'''‘''''' 287 Commerce, College of ............ 153,  
` ‘ ''''''''''‘''’'`''''‘'''‘''' A counting .........,........................
  '’'’ ‘ ''`''''''`’‘'''''' 65’   Bgnking and Finance .................. 156
Agglied Musk; '‘‘''‘''‘‘''''‘''''‘'''''‘ 242 Bureau of"/{Business Research ......  
- · °°""°°°"' .'`''`°``°```'`````' BUS'1] S A Zllliiglilllfillt ... ............ .
ggggggatlon for Degree '''''''‘‘`''`'°''`’' 133 Coriniigrce Courses ...................,.. 332
Aikiiiiecillkii `_'` iiiigiiiééiiiig"ZZZZZZZZXZZZZZ 297 g;’;fQ;Ql$_';@‘L“‘V ···················   égg
gg*11v¤S· U¤~¢1111y Of K¢¤111¤kvéé- gg? ommi Bugi;;;gg"‘iZiZZZZZZZZZJZZZZ ,.... A 154
  °'‘'`‘‘'‘ ' ‘'`‘''‘'‘‘'‘‘''‘'‘''''`'‘'‘‘' 1 202 Industrial Administration ............ 159
D g_ ....,... ;...: ............................. Marketing, Mcmhandizingy
"“Ymg· P?““t‘“g· and Advertising .............................. 157
Edéigggszjqgklng '‘'''''‘'''''’'`'''‘'`''''''   Pcrsonngl Management ......... . ....  
. · ‘ , ’``'''''`''`'`''''‘'''''''''‘''‘''‘‘ Public ervice ............................
§[ISt()l'}   .............   ............... ....   Rcquirclnents for Graduatioll    
culpture and Ceramics .............. 202 Sccmtmi,11 Tminin 160
Ads-Forestry .................................. 61 · ·‘ · · g   '''''``''`''`'
Arts d S . C 11 f 5,, 193 Specialization in Statistics ........ 161
11dx'isSiO$:cnc°s’ 0 Ege O ‘‘‘‘ "’ 52 Comprehensive Examinations (Arts 56
Advisers ...... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ].Z...ZZZZZZZZZ 52 C ""{2 2°§“§“> U": ······· . g; ·········· 347
Combined Courses .......i.............. 58 Cggqcgitjiiciuig egéricguversl ) '''''' " S6
D€gl'€€S .................. ...,............48,   Collnscling and Testing Services    
Department Honors .................... 56 Courses bmmmcnt O1 191
E1¤¤*1v¤S 111 0.1*1111 C¤11¤1¢1 -·---··· 57 cmu for sim c0meg‘°iZZiZiiii1iZiZii 35
G¤11¤1¤1 *’~¤<11111·=¤1¤·111 ----·····~··--·- 54 credit, Definition of ........................ as
Group Requirements .................. 54 Cm S 281
1 Independent Work Courses     p   ...... . .......... . ....... ........... ......
gower Division Requirements ....   D S 28q
rganization ............................... . .- airy cicnce ...,.........,... . ................ ·
_ Pre-Dental Curriculum .............. GO Dean of Men ....,...........,................. 27
- Pre-Medical Courses .................. 58 Dean of VVomen l ......... . .................... 27
1 Pre-Ministerial, Pre-Theological, Definition of Residence for
  and Pre-Religious Education .. 60 Assessment of Fees .....,.......... 20
  Pre-Phammcy .............,.................... 61 Definition of Semester Credit ........ 35
1 Degrees and Curricula ................,... 48