INDEX—C0ntmued Q
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Departmental and Interest Clubs .... 39 Evening Class Program .............. 186
Department Honors (Arts and Home Study Program ................ 186 .
Sciences) ...........,.... , ............... 56 School Services .......................... 187 r
Department of Public Relations ...... 344 University Centers .............,........ 186 ·
Deposits ..... . .................................... 22 Workshops and Conferences ...... 186 -
Design (Art) . ................................. 202 Extension Regulations .................... 33 Y
Diplomacy and International Europe, History of .......................... 226 i
Commerce, School of .............. 88 1
D¤¤t¤r vt Educativnr Requirements 181 rrrcrrirv Committees ........................ 399
Doctor ¤fE¤gi¤e¤ri¤g,11¤<1¤ir¤m€¤tS 177 Far East Hrsrcrv or ...................... 227
D0C101' of Ph110$¤D11Yr Requirements 177 Farm Management ..l....................... 276
Dr¤m@¤¢i¤ Arts -·-·--·-·------—-- _ ·-·---·-·- 7 Or 218 Fciicwsmps and schoirrrsirips ........ 27
D1'11W1¥1H» P€11n111'1g» and P1’1n11'n?1k1ng 201 Fees .......................... . ,....... ...20, 22, 23
  ...................................... ccc   ,g’;,‘g;¤,$;;,<;;;,,;··<}__§ifi§{ __________,____ ,.,05 .
Education, College of .............. 130, 318 Foods ond Nutrition _______________ _ ______ 290 ,
Administration ............................ 318 Foreign Languages ________l___________ g2_ 237
A¥11T11$$10n ··~····~··-········-·········· 1-9» 130 French ............................................ 238 `
%§§i§r‘;LE“.?} .... :;;:1::1:;;;:;;;:;:;:;;:1sv;352 F*e1m€“· Adm1S5*°" 0* ················ 16 g
8$`$`riEiSSr“ .11111llilllilliilliiijiiliéii iii §€¤¤ge1 Busims ¤¤¤1—=¤1¤m ···-·--·-- gg;  
Distributive .............,.................. 327 éenc msn Q ‘‘''‘‘‘' ' ''‘'''‘'‘‘'‘‘''‘`''‘'‘''''''’'‘‘ 219 P
Foundations of ............................ 319 Gcoglap y `‘'''‘'''''''''''''''''‘'''‘'‘‘‘‘   221 i
Graduation Requirements .......... 132 Cg;?n$_§1¥ ''’'‘'`''‘‘''‘''''''''’'''''' ’ ''‘'‘’‘' ’ 239 1
Industrial ,...............,................... :128 Gmcf tm'; h Vimge ·-···-················ 167  
Instruction, Division of .............. 325 12 {111.8. C OO ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘   167 g
Student Teaching ........................ 130 A°11i1SS1?."   ‘‘‘‘‘   ‘‘‘‘   ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ’  
Special Education Certificates .... 146 p£1c[;i1°11 01 11 111 uate 168 ·.
\;OCnti0unl       D HT) lng ......   .......... .....i.....   i
Educational Conference .................. 344 Dggreist. '‘'''''''''''''‘‘''`''`'`'‘''‘'''''''''' 17o  
Engineer, The Kentucky ................ 345 Elsselln gm ' '‘''’''''''`'‘'''‘'‘`'°’''‘'‘'' 180 S
Engineering, College of .......... 110, 296 E1€?m1`?n10l{,i,   `'''''‘''‘''‘''°'''°'''`'’‘ 1-/ri 3
Administration ............................ 305 Fgegnslon or ‘‘'‘'' ' '‘'''’‘'‘‘`'‘'‘'' 171 3
gggiiiiiiileall.1::::Sl;Clillilllllliillillilll 123 g€11°YV§1”‘%’S “¥“1 $¤1;¤1g¤S1·jgg ···· 184  
Agricultural (See Agr. & H.E.) .. 112 mem eqmmmcn S O1 `
Air Conditioning ........l............... 120 A<1v¤¤¤¤<1 Degmcs. ·*·· , ·············· 1 69
Applied Mccimrrrcc .................... 304 Gr¤<1¤¤¢=· 13¤¢¤rd 13xm·¤¤#·¤¤¤ ·. ·--··-· 168 1
Architectural ........................ 115, 29-: Gr¤<1—¤¤¤¤1= S¤¤¤<>rS M 1’=·r*—¤m¢
. · Graduate Students ....,............. 169
Chemical .............................. 113, 297 .
crvri .............................,........ 114, 297 L¤¤¤L2¤g€ 1%¤¤¤¤¤¤2¤¤1S ··-··-·-···· 174
cc-cpcrarvc Firm ........................ 111 1’r¤¤¤¤¤_¤¤v ¤¤ E¤g1¤¤12 --—··········--- 170
Degrees ...................................... 111 P“g°;$1°m11 gegrecs m 1,76
r' " H l!'l€€l'1\'l . .................... . .... A.
‘r?{§$Z££%r ‘:::::::::1::::;;:;;:;;;:;:;:1117; 288 <2»·¤¤ry1¤g E><¤m1¤=·*i¤¤S ···-·-·-···· 17;;
Eloctroiiics and Coinmunications RBqUll'(5\'T'lCl'llZS fOl' Degrees ......   17..
Engineering ............................ 118 R¤s¤d<·¤¤¤ -··-—--········—··---——-··-·-· 170r 172
Electric Power Engineering ..,..... 118 Student L¤¤dS Md $11011 €¤¤¤S¤¤ 169
  P|i()t€(;tlOl'l IIHC1 Safety · ······          
renera ........................................ 1 _ · { ············
Graduation Requirements ............ 111 Transfer nf C1"?d1tS ······-············· 171
Industrial .............. . ..................... 121 C1`11€11111110n¤ R€(1nn"’m°n1s for ·~······ 35
iyiochloniml 1 ________________,_________ il?   Greek ...,,......................................... 196
N eta lurgica ........................ 2 ,
xining ····-···-··-···-·······-····--···· 122,   geglth Service, University .............. 1,37/
UC CRY ......... .r ..... . .................   1 E 1’O\V ....... . .................r........ .... ......
Sanitary ..............,...,................... 116 History ........................................ 71, 223
Engineering Experiment Station .... 344 Home Economics, School of Z,. ....... 290
England and British Empire Curricula .................................... 107
(History) ................................ 225 Home Economics Education .......... 327 §
English Language and Composition 214 Home Management ...................,.... 294 {
English—Acccptahle Standards ...... 31 Honor Societies ................................ 39 ”
English, Specch and Dramatic Honors, Commencement ................ 35
Arts, Department of .......... 70, 213 Honors, Department ...................... 56
English, American, and Horticulture .................................... 287 r
Comparative Literature ....,..... 215 Housing for Married Students ........ 26 i
Entrance Examinations .................. 32 Humanities ..........................,........... 228  
Entrance Requirements .................. 18 Hygiene and Public Health ...... 72, 228 `i
Examinations, Special .................... 32  
Expenses .................................... 20, 23 Identification Cards ........................ 20  
Extended Programs .......................... 186 Independent VVork ....................... , 57 Q;
Audio-Visual Services ................ 187 Industrial Chemistry ........................ 68 i
Community Services .................... 187 Industrial-Psychological Service .... 345 {
Extension Class Program ......,..... 186