8. Students who want for the work of their major department a back-
, ground in the foundations of Western civilization through courses in Greek,
: Latin, Hebrew, Arabic, or ancient civilization.
9. Students who wish, through Greek and Latin, to build the background
of their English vocabulary for use in the learned professions (law, medicine,
teaching, the ministry, etc.) or in literary or public work.
10. Students who want to fulfill through Greek or Latin or Hebrew or
Arabic the foreign language requirement or course requirements.
The emphasis in this department will be threefold:
,_ 1. On interpreting Classical, Hebraic, and general Middle Eastern culture
in its relation to Western Civilization.
2. On learning to read Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic-according to
the individual student’s needs and preferences.
3. On developing a background for Classical or Semitic scholarship for
those who will teach or do graduate work or research in these fields.
The student, in working out his major, 1nay place emphasis on Creek,
or on Latin, or on Classical civilization, or on Hebrew and Hebraic civilization,
or on Arabic and Middle Eastern studies, or on a combination of these.
To this end, six majors are offered: Latin, Greek, Classical Civilization, Hebrew
com and Hebraic Civilization, Arabic and Middle Eastern Civilization, and Ancient
and Languages and Civilization.
abic Anthropology is the study of Man in all his aspects, past and present. It
nitic must concern itself with anything that concerns Man, and thus it synthesizes
€V€ll the materials of a large number of separate studies and disciplines in both the
social and biological sciences. Basically, anthropology is divided into (1) Phy-
~lds; sical Anthropology, which deals with man’s origin, evolution, and growth, the
idle relationships of races, and llltiI`l,S physical response to his total environment; and
lgm- (2) Cultural Anthropology, which includes prehistory (or archaeology), and
ethnology (or social anthropology), the study of the culture of various so-
the cieties. Attention has been directed chiefly toward “primitive” peoples, in the
attempt to learn how such aspects of man’s behavior as religion, language.
. social controls, and economic activities have developed and interacted on each
{mg other. But "civilized” groups, as well, are studied with the broad viewpoint
mm and emphasis on understanding the total scope of man’s life.
\rVhile many of the Department’s advanced courses are planned for stu-
mm dents interested in professional training, the introductory courses Anthropology
jim, 1 and 2 should be of much wider interest. They survey the entire field, and
thc show the relations between all the facets of human activity, throughout man’s
long occupation of the earth. These courses emphasize the essential unity of
for mankind and furnish a basis for further work in many different fields of the
the social and biological sciences. In addition, properly qualified students in other
pre- departments will find the advanced courses sufficiently broad in scope to be of
1dio value to them. Anthropology 142, Culture and Personality, is of particular
tire- interest to Psychology majors.
Students who intend to major in Anthropology should know that advanced
the degrees are required by nearly all institutions that hire professional anthro-
lma pologists. However, smaller colleges are adding Anthropology to their curricula.
Bam Properly qualified anthropologists presently have a wide variety of employ-
will ment possibilities, not only in teaching or research, but in the many practical
applications of this field.