Opportunities for service include the general field of economic research and The (
many specialties such as taxation, labor relations, finance, and statistics. 1
The student wishing to major in economics will be guided by an adviser in gf?
in the economics department of the College of Commerce. Geolc
Though many of the courses in the Department are planned to fit the '
needs of other departments and colleges, most of them are designed to meet BIS; 5
the undergraduate and graduate needs of those who may wish to specialize in Gcoli
English, Speech, and the Dramatic Arts.
The majority of students who take English courses do so either because Geeli
they expect to teach English in high school or college, or because of the per-
sonal satisfaction that they derive from great books. A few take English be-
cause it provides a good background for an editorial career, or that of profes-
sional book reviewer, dramatic or literary critic, or author of imaginative litera- Gem
ture. And others take language, speech, and dramatic arts courses because Geek
they need to learn the accurate, precise use of language; need speech ex-
perience as a part of their preparation for such professions as law, the ministry, GEO],
teaching, and salesmanship; or training in drama and theatre leading to a Geol<
career in little theatre work, dramatic criticism, and in a few cases in profes- Gmll
sional acting.
The Department offers training in language study; English, American, and 6**01*
. . . . . . Gco1»
comparative literature; creative writing; speech; and the dramatic arts. Course gm;.
work leading to the A.B. and M.A. degrees is available in most of these areas G€°l
and to the Ph.D. in English language and literature.
eroeaAi>HY 222%
The need for well-trained personnel in the field of Geography has become gig]
increasingly apparent. At the prcscnt time three major fields of activity utilize cw
the services of competent professional geographers: Education (Elementary,
Secondary, and Collegiate), Government (National, State, and City), and Busi-
ness (Trade, Transportation, Publishing). The Department of Geography is
prepared to offer necessary training to students for these economic activities.
In addition to the training of professional geographers, the Department
of Geography contributes directly to the fulhllment of the College of Arts and " ""
Sciences requirement in Social Studies (Geography Sa, b). To non-geography
majors in all colleges of the University the Department of Geography offers a
wide selection of supplementary and elective courses which contribute im- Pla
portantly toward a liberal education. F0
, A foundation in all phases of Geography is required of all department ` for
majors seeking a career in the field. For those who do not wish to become pro- WO
fessional geograpliers, a major in Geography may be arranged. (See Catalog of _ 103
Courses.) ad
The demand for the professional geologist comes from the need for geo-
logical guidance in the exploitation of the nation’s mineral wealth. Its relation
to mining and to oil and gas exploration is such that geological services are U
indispensable to companies engaged in developing this mineral resource. Op- gt,
portunities are also open with state and federal geological surveys, in museum  
work, and in college teaching. The Department of Geology is prepared to equip h,
men and women for such work.