Head of the Department. In general, the graduate courses are designed to train
for the more responsible positions in librarianship.
Requirements for the Masters Degree
Prerequisites: A bachelor’s degree from an approved college or university;
an undergraduate scholastic record that is above average, together with evi-
j dence .0f ability to perform graduate work satisfactorily; and completion of a
. prehminary core of nine semester hours in Library Science.
; I Undergraduate preparation should include academic rather than profes-
. sional Courses. Languages are Considered basic for those interested in college
or university hbrary work. Subject to the recommendation of the Head of the
I Department, the prehminary core of nine semester hours in Library Science
; may be taken during the first semester of the graduate program; comparable
z work taken elsewhere may reduce this requirement.
1 The Master of Arts degree requires: Satisfactory completion of twenty-
four semester hours of graduate work in Library Science; fulfillment of the
residence requirement of 36 weeks; fulfillment of the requirement of a reading
knowledge of one modern foreign language; preparation of a thesis; and pass-
S mg a final oral examination in which the student is asked to defend his thesis
H and also is examined on any subject matter related to his field. The M.S. de-
xl gree substitutes six semester hours for the thesis and a minimum of six se-
’ mester hours with a minimum grade of C for the requirement of a reading
e .
knowledge of one modern foreign language.
d The residence requirement may be fulfilled by any combination of semes-
ters or summer sessions which totals the required number of weeks. Subject
to the recommendation of the Head of the Department, candidates who have
had previous training in Library Science may take up to one-third of their
graduate work in courses in other departments. Such courses must be related
closely to the student’s field of specialization.
Professional Curriculum in Library Science
ch ·
rl- Course No. Title C;·g_
)y 101:1-rl lndependent `Worl: 1 gn,
113 Orgaiiization and Administration of the School Library 3
121 Introduction to Library \Vork 3
gm 129 Catziloiging and Classilicirtioii 3
lfiii li<·l`t;`-im: and liilrli;r·;i·.rjiliy S
an 136 l.itr·r:rturc :n2·l llelzitwl F.l.iteri:rls for Young People 3
-8-   Clfildreiiks lriierzuurc and lielazteil Nlatcrials S
L . Li irary ’ra<·tice 3
3S> 1-15 Organizaition of Library }.Iaicri;ils S
rtg 52 Book Selection 8
186 Visual Teaching 3
OH Course No. Title Crs.
by 2lllu—r:n’y Science 1 ca.
- 21.2 The Public Library 3
I? 2lS Problems in School Library Service 3
C1' 214 The College and University Library 3
m- 227 Problems in Reading for Children and Young People 3
229 Advanced Cataloging and Clnssilication 8
Lu" 232 Library \Vork with Children S
VSS 233 Subject Bibliography 3
1 285 Government Publications 8
fry 2-12 History of Books 3
j 250 Adult Reading Guidance B
252 Advanced Book Selection 3
md ` 254 Seminar 3
the 287 Nonbook Materials 3