The courses and other training offered in Sociology supplement the work I
of the allied social sciences and have an important part in a broad liberal educa-
tion. Basic courses dealing with the fundamental processes of group relation- I
ships, social organization, and social behavior are the foundation for more ad- {
vanced courses in social analysis and research. Training is offered in recognized i
specialties, including criminology, the family, community organization, medical i
sociology, and rural sociology. *
An undergraduate major in Sociology is particularly useful to persons plan- I
ning to enter such fields as law, social work, industrial relations, the mir1istry,
high school social science teaching, and various positions in public and govern- <
mental agencies. Every effort is made to guide students toward a broad train- '
ing in the social sciences and general education. Persons who aspire to pro- l
fessional positions in Sociology and Applied Fields may expect to take post- l
graduate training. The graduate training program in Sociology and Rural Soci- l
ology offers the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees and prepares students for college
teaching, social science analyst positions in government agencies and research 2
organizations, and positions in community development, human relations
agencies, criminology and delinquency control, and the like.
The departments Bureau of Community Service conducts research and
offers advisory service and survey assistance to local communities of the state.
Through the activities of the Bureau students are provided Held experience in Q
research. <
Courses given in this Department are designed to offer the general stu- l
dent opportunity to obtain a cultural background in this Held of biology and ,
to give the student interested in this field as a livelihood the proper basic j
principles and training. I
Students interested in careers in medicine, medical technology, wild life
management, conservation, governmental work, research, teaching at the ele-
mentary, high school, and college level, as well as in many other areas, will {
find zoology courses which oiier them the necessary training.
Courses are offered which lead to a major in zoology with emphasis in
such sub-divisions of zoology as ecology, entomology, evolution, genetics,
limnology, parasitology, embryology and vertebrate zoology. The proper com-
bination of these courses enables a student to obtain the A.B. or B.S. degree
with zoology as a major. The department also offers the M.S. and the M.A.
degree in these various Eelds of zoology. ‘
The teaching and research stall of the Department of Zoology is at the
service of those students interested in careers in zoology and urges that such
students confer early with the department head or another staH member in
regard to training and opportunities for such careers.
The School of ]ournalism is one of the 45 members of The American As-
sociation of Schools and Departments of journalism. Since 1931 the school has
been accredited and has been 21 member of the Association which is composed
of the leading schools of journalism in the United States.
General reference materials, representative daily newspapers, and recog-
nized trade journals of the publishing industry are available in the school. In
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