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College of Arts and Sciences
IN this College the discordant buzzing of machinery is never heard, nor is there danger of being shocked by coming into contact with unexpected live wires. The transit, plow and pick are but slightly known. They who wander through its enchanted vales, who drink from its fountains of truth and wisdom, who are fanned by the gentle zephyrs of poetry and romance, and who commune with the unforgotten dead will look back with pleasure upon the many happy days spent roving through the hallowed regions, and with an ever-increasing love for its mystic hordes.
The guides through this enchanted region by their kind and gentle ministry lessen the pain of the journey by leading the weary souls by still waters, by unfolding to them the many beauties of nature, by breathing into their ears beautiful odes to the harmony of life, and pointing out to them man's greatest opportunity.
Professor Jones leads them safely by Charybdis and Scylla. wandering at will through Hades and the Elysian fields. Doctor Terrell, with gentle touch and musical voice, leads them upward again, to stand awestruck before the perfection of the Parthenon, and mystified while listening to the Athenian philosophy.
Willi Professor Zembrod we climb the Alpine peaks and spend many pleasant days in Paris, stopping for a while amid the vine-clad hills of Spain. Professor Meleher presents to them the Kaiser, revealing to them the beauty of the German language and revels with them amid the glad, joyous students of Heidelberg.
l.nder the benign guidance of Professor Mackenzie they are led to i he altar of logic philosophy. and they learn to prattle in mysterious and misleading phrases, knowing or caring not their deep significance. Looking from i his altar 111 rough the study window they may see many evidences of supreme handiwork.
Doctor Tuthill, with an earnest but sad countenance, reveals to them the dismal record of man's existence, showing them the many ways in which "man's inhumanity to man exists in every-dav life, and explaining to them how to conduct their financial affairs so that their future prospects will no1 be blighted by nol knowing how to save their money.
Professor While and his assistants instruct them in the arl of X-chasing, so training their minds thai the elusive character must seek safely nol only in I he realm of stars and planets, but also in
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