1. Everybody figures out "Dope" lo suit himself.   The month
of greal things is a1 hand. "We must win from Tennessee."
2. Big rally.    Much enthusiasm for the team.   Freshmen waking
up and catching on. Class spirit for the time being is merged into "('ollege spirit.''
3. Wild Cats leave for Tennessee with Ihe cheers of enthusiastic
rooters ringing in their ears. Sweelland misses tram. Freshmen  haul the team lo I he car.    Ilolioes Hobo.
f. Hoboes return from Somerset, etc. Some make their way on in to Knowille.
.". Tennessee defeated by Slate in a great game. Returns of the game in detail heard in Slale Chapel by 300 rooters.
fi.    SI.  bonis next.    Oh! you Wild Cats!
?.   Everything gives way to athletics.   There's football in Ihe air.
S. Training table in commission. Students fork over their cash to pay for same. The hoys are all right there with the goods when  il   comes  lo support.
!). Perkins fizzes in Math. He's becoming quite a sport of late. Armadilla makes a hit.
10. The team goes to "Sam!  Louie"!    Hooray!    Hooray! NO
hoboes on I his I rip.
11. Tag  Dance  for  benefit   of Annual  resulted  in     the Annual
being much benefited.
12. St. boms game.  Slate loses.  Math Society meets.  Sophs lick
Fra n k I oil High.   Co-ed da nee.
13. Wild Cats come back and are enthusiastically received by
hundreds of rooters.   Pictures of Co-eds made.
17. IS.
Much talk of Central game.
White is thought to be ineligible, but is not removed.
Annual gels Co-ed pictures.    Who'd a-thought it.
Much disgust expressed with regard to White.
"Monk" runs around like a beheaded chicken, doing nothing.
Sociology Class temporarily adjourns to the Asylum.
Dope fiends are puzzled.  The more they figure, the more they
are puzzled. Perkins buys a pair of pink socks for the game. Duncan is called home and we are left without a yell leader. Everybody and his friend come in to see the game.   Many old
Slate men back. The rally what am a rally is held on Stoll Field.  Fairview fizzes.
A monster parade planned for tomorrow.    Feeling runs
high.   Central brings over her food from Danville.
Seniors pull off a freak parade. Town is given over to collegians.   Wild Cats lose to Bank's men in a fearful battle.
Defeated but not disgraced; our record is clean; our men are our own bona fide college men. aid our Wild Cats are as dear to us in the gloom of defeat as in the luster of a brilliant victory. Nobody is disheartened by our loss. College spirit is deeper and truer than ever before.
Stoll Field deserted until track and baseball. Basketball engages the attention of the Normal student.
Perkins pawns his pink socks.
The old question of the eligibility of White is still agitated.
Duncan walks with SpragUe again.
"Kinky" lectures.    She gets very sentimental torical.
and verv ora-