N I N EE "T" e E n    ee i e' \/ e N
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1. Alpha Xi Delia informal reception. " Doc'' Taylor does society.
Oh. hell.
2. Hibbler skips school  lo gel  ready for Ihe Tau  Beta Dance.
Tau Beta I'i men excused from school.   Manship lectures.
3. Tau Beta Pi Dance.    "Doc's" Chemistry class skips. Bess
Ilayden attends her first dance wilh "Bonnie."
4. Tau Bela men skip classes.
.5.    Everybody except those that did not go went to church.
(i.    Faculty Entertainment Committee gets on the war-path.
7. "Butch" lake_ many pictures for the Kentuckian. Everybody hard al work preparing the Annual for the printers.
S. "Kinky" delivers one of her most popular lectures to a large and appreciative audience.
!). Idea expresses its views in general. Nothing in particular doing.   Basketball team leaves.
10. ".Josh" fizzes Perkins on second exam.
11. Idea staff has picture made for the Annual.
12. Sunday again.   Basketball team returns from trip.
13. "Butch" snaps the girl's Pan-Hellenic Council.
14. Miss Proctor and the Glee Club render some high-class music-
al productions in Chapel.
1.5.   Dog in "Kinky's" lecture room.   "R. 0." misbehaves for the
first time since Christmas. Hi.   "Dune" and Sprague take their daily walk.   W. C. T. U's.
17. Pan-Hellenic Dance.   Picture of the Senior girls holding the
letters is made.
18. Soph picture made. Ii).   A very quiet day.
20. John Fox in Chapel.   A record-breaking crowd is present.
21. Great preparations for the morrow.
22. Washington's Birthday celebration in Chapel.    Holiday in
honor of George. Wish there were more like him. Miss Kinky's lecture.   Praise the Lord!
23. Beading of play for Dramatic Club.   State defeats Butler.
24. Sophomore Dance at gymnasium.
25. Senior Civil Banquet in honor of Miss Hayden. 2(5    Much doing in heaven.
27. Glee Club rehearsal.   Annual on boom.
28. Mandolin Club practice.   Perkins turns out.