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The Teachers' College
Professor Snow
THE Teachers' College of State University has been established 'primarily for the purpose of providing adequate'preparation for the training of teachers in the county high school, and to furnish to intending candidates for superintendences and principalships throughout the State such a comprehensive view of the history and principles of education and of educational administration as will enable them lo appreciate and embody in their practical experience the most modern and valuable ideals of
the teaching profession.
Co-operating, as this department is able to, with the other schools of the University it is enabled to offer, in addition to the twenty points of strictly professional study, exceptional opportunities to all students desiring to specialize in the work of preparation for teaching drawing, manual training, physical education and domestic science. In this latter field a peculiarly fortunate circumstance permits of extensive specialization and opens  to all who
desire the attractive and essential details connected with the study of home economies.
Candidates for the H. S. in Education are permitted to so arrange their elective courses as to give I hem a solid found a t ion for subsequent teaching in this important department of educational activity .
Through the courtesy of the Superintendent of Schools I he City of Lexington and Louisville, students in the Teachers' College are permitted to use the high schools of these cities as schools of observation. This phase of the work is open to all seniors and graduate students and is conducted in connection with the Seminary In which cm-rent educational problems form the topic of weekly discussion.
A letter received from I he Secretary of Teachers' College, Columbia University, stating thai hereafter all graduates of the Teacher-' College in the State University of Kentucky will be eligible lo enter the graduate department of the institution in New York and enroll as candidates for the A.M.degree wilhoul conditions, is a source of great satisfaction to all friends of the State I niversity, and is bound to prove a stimulus to more thorough preparation on the pari of high school teachers in the Com.....nwealth.
The fact shows thai whatever aspirations our educational leaders may have had in I he past lo build a first-class Slate I niver-ity in Lexington as the crown of the Stale system of education, the thoroughness with which they did the work entrusted to them has enabled the leaders of educative thoughl and administration in the leading institution in I he country to accept the records presented for their inspection, and grade the course now being offered to our students in such a manner as lo place il on a parity with thai given anvwhere in the countrv.
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