Judge Lafferty
College of Law
LTHOUGH the College of Law has been in existence for three years this is the first year with a prescribed three years' course of work. So heavy a course is unusual for a Southern school, but the attendance being much larger than that of either of the preceding years gives assurance that our people appreciate the necessity of more thorough preparation for those who expect to practice the profession of Law.
This Department is equipped with classrooms, a reading room, offices, large hall and an excellent law library which contains all of the National Reporter System bringing down to the present all the opinions of the higher courts of all the States in the Union rendered during the past twenty-five years. Also, the reported opinions of all the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court, from the beginning down to the present.   This library contains, besides
the above Court Reports. Encyclopedias of Law of Pleading and Practice, Lawyers' Reports Annotated, the C. Y. G, a large selection of text books and miscellaneous law books.
The Department has had a wonderful development in all its various branches during the last year. The interest and enthusiasm displayed in things legal and things political by the embryo Statesmen of Kentucky forecast a glorious Future for the "Grand Old Commonwealth." Let us hope that the lawyers trained at old "Stale"' will take the most prominent part in local and national questions of the day.
Then will come the time, as come il must, when Kentucky's sons will again make the laws for the country and mold the policy of the nation.
Law Faculty
W. T. Lafferty. A.M.
Dean of the Law Department and Comptroller of the University.
A. M., Kentucky State University; Dean of llie Law Department and Comptroller of the University, 1909.
Lyman Chalkley, B.L.
B. L., Washington and Lee University; Dean Law Department, Kentucky University. 190.5-07; Dean Law Department. I'niversify of the Soulli, 1907-10; Professor of Law, State University of Kentucky. 1910.
Charles Kerr
Professor of Law.
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