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The Academy
Drive to Chemistry Building
I am the Alpha of the State University of Kentucky. I was christened the Academy, hut they call me the "prep" for short. My foster father is Professor Walter K. Patterson, who is better known as "She Pat." I hailed from an unknown source into this unfriendly world on the Oth day of Sept., 1889. On the same day I was adopted by this Institution as its educational marathon. Many of Kentucky's youths have I left exhausted on the wayside, while those possessing the qualities of the survival of the fittest I have permitted to pass on to the undisturbed blessedness of university life.
My career has been a checkered one. I wonder at my progress. Just think! I have only three friends in all this wide, wide world. These are my foster father and his two Scotch collies, Shcp and Rabb. Often have I been aroused by Ihc approach of a deliberate step, thethump-thump-thump of a walking cane, and I he old familiar "h-e-m. good morning, professor. Who are absent this morning!-'" These are ill omens for the tardy lads whose fated star has destined them to a course with me. Bui I have surmounted all these difficulties. At first, two years was thought to be ample time for me to lay the weaklings low. but now I have the undisputed authority of running a three-year lest. At last, behold me a sturdy veteran, scarred with the bat Ilemarks of many long years of unthankful service.
Prop Parade
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