(nks'i Louis Becker, B.C. Louisville, Ky.
James Alfred Boyd, B.M.E Care (ill/. Ky.
Armadilla Brighteye, I'li.S. in Math. Tywhopety, Ky.
III.)   Glee ('
B. C. E
1'. A. A.
(IV.) Manager Glee Club. Athletic Editor Idea. Subscription Manager Kknti'ckian. Transit Staff.
"Go, teach eternal wisdom how to rule Then drop into thyself and be a Tool."
Brnesl 1ms been with us for only two years. The winters
were loo cold at Purdue so lie decided to come South.   He is
one of the greatest near-sports in the ('hiss. Sometimes poses us an advertisement for Arrow brand collars. He has a beautiful tenor voice ami he wants everyone lo know it. Was never
known lo gel to class on time. Will probably be a consulting engineer some day.'for he has ii very clear idea of how the universe should be run.   "Beck" is the greatest actor-stage-
manager of the present century. We do not need to prove this for he admits il. and the future Mrs. Meeker believes il.
III.i   Tan Beta Pi. i IV.)    Manager Football Team.
"Here is an honest man'! i Cheat him. Devilif you can!"
"Monk'' came lo us from some unknown source, and we lake him to be a pretty good sample of his country. He was nol known, save by a few. until he became the manager of the football team in his Senior year. This made him popular among members of both sexes, but being a charter member of the " \\ . C. T. I ." he was rather shy around the opposite sex. His popularity won for him many nicknames, among them are "Darning Hoy " "Jeains" and "Monk.'' by which he is best known and to which he will most readily respond. He is very fond in characterizing some of his friends (?). especially if Ihev are smaller than he is.
(III.)   Mathematical Society.   Mu Delta Rho. State University Auto Club.  "Fickle Flirters."
(IV.)   Strollers.   Faithful boxers.
"Her constant beauty doth inform Stillness with love, and day with light."
"Sweety," the most handsome girl in the Class, is also the biggest flirt. Many arc the lads who have fallen victims lo her winning smile, her dancing eyes anil her wonderful line of senseless drool. Her fickleness is exceeded only by her good looks and mathematical ability. Until the great "It. 0." appeared upon the scene. Sweety rode daily in "Josh's" auto, and the probability of a June wedding in Georgetown varied inversely as the stpiare of the number of these joy-rides. Now Sweety rides no more in Josh's auto, and R. 0. is having a h of a time in Math.
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