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Q Rotary Club of Lanoaster(Continued)
{ Cmxnigtgcg: Club Service, Chas. Thompson; Vocational Service, Robert Drenncn;
L "**‘TZ‘7*‘h ¤ - -r ....
S; _Internutionul eervico, R. n. Gabbert; Community Service, Chris Purdon; Class-
 ig ificatien and Mcrfoership, Dr. V. Kimaird; Fellowship and Attendance, Addis
gé Britt, all of Lancaster.
Q Furpose: Promotion of high ethical standards in business, fellowship and advan-
gi eerent of international understandin_. ·· -
s C -
{Q Normal Civic Activities: Sponsor 4-F Club and working for organization of
jg Board cf Commxrce. ‘ *`“‘
$ ' '
g` Defonsomhctivities: Engaged in Red Cross Lssistance, First nid, Collection
Q of Scrap Eotals and Other Metals. J
K Local rrblicationsz hone. ~
_ } TKELM‘S CLUB OF LLNCASTER"(Kontucky Federation of Woncn's Clubs; General Ped-
l_ it eration of Wonen's Clubs), e/o Hrs. Arthur Rankin, Box Ql, Lancast r. Founded
` Ml9O7s President, Hrs. Arthur Rankin. Telephone l5—F—4. Secretary, Irs. J. C.
C Johnston, R. R.=#l, Lancaster. Telephone 22-F—3. Terms expire June, 1945.
T Membership: 52 . Open to socially rrprosentativo women residents of Lancaster.
} Cmmlittoes: Defense. Mrs. V} C. Kinnaird; Gardon,_Irs. H. Clay Kaufiian; Sal-
._ i vago and Community,‘Mrs. E. C. Gaines; Red Cross, Miss Bertha Gill; Library,
E Mrs. L. G. Davidson, all of Lancaster.
Purpose; Ehitod effort for community improvenent and tho best interest of.
huxxjpri ty .
;j Normal Civic Jctivities: Cooperating with Rod Cross, Library Extension and
{ other civic organizations. , ” 4 _
a Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cr ss Assistance, First Lid, Collection
Q of Scrap Hctals and Cthcr Hotels, Library Sorviec, Collecting Books, Public
` Speaking. Training for Sewing and Trzparation of Surgical Dressings, Prep-
sr sration and ¤erving of_Fo;d. lntorostod in Hospital and Clinical nssistance,
L Operation of Canteens, Child Care, Entertoinrent, Recroation.
Q Local Tublications: None. · V
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UO]nN’S HiSSlCUnRY SOCIETY, GEQISTIHN CHCPCL (national .bnon’s missionary
Sooietv),‘c/b Hrs. Clay Kauffman, Maple Avenue, Luncastor. Founded 1900.
,_ · President, Mrs. Clay Kauffman. Telephone 25. Secretary, Irs. Theodore Curroy,
· I Kaplo Lvenue, Lancastcr. Telephone 40. Executivs Sccretory, Irs. J; H. Jonn-
· · V r' » * ¤.~, . r I · ` -m» _'.’
y, g‘ lhgs, Richmond Street, Lancaster. Telopn~ne l48. Terms expire June, l9Qo.
, a
  Ybwbershipg 52. Ono; to chrrch women willing to aid cause by pnayor and
1- l Service. .