ET. KIRKMAN, Logan County, Ky., fought at Shiloh, Vicks-. burg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboso', Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission-Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro', and in the mounted engagements. He was one of the McMinn-ville Guard, March aud April, 1863, and was wouuded at Resaca, May 14, 1864.

GEORGE KENNERLY, Logan County, Ky., was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862.

CHARLIE LOFTLAND, Logan County, Ky., was not a member of the company, but fought with it at Shiloh, and was wounded there.

THOMAS LYLE, Logan County, Ky., was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862.

WM. LYLE, Logan County, Ky., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton Rouge; and was discharged in November, 1862.

ROBERT LYLE, Logan County, Ky., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, aud Chickamauga.   He was wounded at Chickamauga.

WM. H. LAWRENCE, Logan County, Ky., was one of the sergeants of the company, aud fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro', and in the mounted engagements.   He was wounded at Shiloh, April 6, 1862.

rM. LYON, Logan County, Ky., was discharged, November, 1862,


^     being under age.

JAMES M. MATLOCK, Logan County, Ky., was sent to hospital in Jackson, Miss., 1862, and is supposed to have died there.

JAMES R. McALLEN, Logan County, Ky., was appointed second sergeant, May 16, 1862, aud was elected second lieutenant, January 20, 1864. He fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Iutrenchmeut, and Utoy Creeks; both days at Jonesboro', and in all the mouuted engagements. .    

LW. C. MASON, Logan County, Ky., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, . Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, and Resaca ; from Resaca to Atlauta; at Peachtree, Iutrenchmeut, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro', and in