JAMES BEMISS, Blootnfield, Ky., was employed in the medical department, but was present on all the battle-fields, aud did good service in his capacity.

ABLACKSIIEAR, Savanna, Tenn., was transferred from Crews' . battalion, May, 1S62 ; fought at Vicksburg, Murfreesboro', and Jackson ; was awarded medal of honor for gallant and meritorious conduct at Murfreesboro'. He was transferred to a Tennessee regiment some time in 1863.

117  S. BARNETT, Savanna, Tenn., was transferred from Crews' ! V .   battalion, May, 1862 ; fought at Vicksburg, Murfreesboro', and Jacksou. aud was transferred to a Tennessee regiment some time in 1863.

TYLER BALLARD, Marion County, Ky., was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862.

THOMAS BRENT, Louisville, Ky., was transferred to Morgan's cavalry in the autumn of 1861.

CHARLES CECIL, Marion County, Ky., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, aud Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta, and at Peachtree and Intrenchment Creeks. He was wounded iu the latter engagement, July 22, 1S64, aud disabled for further service duriug the war.

JAMES CRUTCHFIELD, Louisville, Ky., was made an orderly for General Breckiuridge, and served with him and other general officers during the war.

LM. CANNON, Savanna, Tenn., was transferred from Crews' bat-. talion, May, 1862 ; fought at Vicksburg, Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree aud Intrenchment Creeks, and was wounded at the latter place, but recovered and took part in the mounted eugagements.

DAVID W. CARUTH, Louisville, Ky., was appointed third corporal, October 2, 1861, and was promoted to second sergeant, January 8, 1861; fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Murfreesboro', Jackson, and Mission Ridge; was wounded at the latter place, November 25, 1863; fought also at Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas ; from Dallas to Atlanta ; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro', and in the mounted engagements.

JOHN DRURY, Bardstown, Ky., fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge,