
pilEEN ROBERTS, Louisville, Ky, was transferred to Morgan's VJ   squadron, 1861, and was killed iu battle at Lebanon, Tennessee.

SYLVESTER SMITH, Bardstown, Ky, was mortally wounded at Shiloh, aud died at (Jorinth, May 23, 1862.

LSMITH, Louisville, Ky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Baton .   Rouge; was killed at the latter plaee, August 5, 1862.

II SHOTWELL, Bardstown, Ky, was appointed third sergeant, JUL. January -1, 1861. Fought at Shiloh, and was wounded there; fought also at Vicksburg, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, aud Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchmeut, aud Utoy Greeks; at Jouesboro', and in the mounted engagemeuts.   He was wounded at Jonesboro'.

ILLIAM STONER, Bardstown, Ky., died of disease at Bowling Green, February, 1S62.

ROBERT TYLER, Louisville, Ky, was transferred to Morgan's cavalry, April 23, 1862.    He fought with this company at Shiloh.

PHIL THOMPSON, Bardstown, Ky, died of disease at Bowling Green, February, lb62.

TOE TYPINGS, Louisville, Ky, fought at Murfreesboro', Jackson, O Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlauta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks, aud. at Jonesboro'. He took part iu the cavalry operations till he was accidentally wouuded, near Savannah, after which he was unable for further service.

PHIL VACARO, Louisville, was appointed captain and A. C. S, 1861, and served iu the commissary department throughout the


SP. WIEJj, Jefferson County,'Ky, fought first years of the war . with the Eighteenth Mississippi Infantry; was transferred to this company, November, 1863, and fought with it at Missiou Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; aud at Jouesboro'. During the cavalry operations he was with the dismounted detachment.

JOE WILSON, Bardstown, Ky, fought at Whippoorwill Bridge, and was wounded there, November, 1861 ;.fought also at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Gap, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlauta; at Peachtree, Intrenchmeut, aud Utoy Creeks; at Jonesboro', aud iu the mounted engagemeuts.