GEORGE RANNEY, Muhlenburg County, Ky, took part in Dearly all the battles up to the spring of 1863, when he was discharged on account of disability by disease.   He was wounded at Shiloh.

LD. REED, Paradise, Ky.   No other facts than that he was a .   member of the company have been communicated to the writer.

CHARLES W. ROTHNOCK, Hartford, Ky, fought at Shiloh. No \J   other facts known to the writer.

JOSEPH RICKETTS, Kentucky, fought in one or two of the battles of 1862.

EC. SHULL, Kentucky, was generally disabled by disease for act-.   ive service, but engaged in some of the battles, and was killed at Chickamauga.

T7-1 G. SMITH, Kentucky, was killed in battle at Shiloh, April 6, Li. 1862.

PHILIP SNAPP, Kentucky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Rocky Face Cap, and Resaca; from Resaca to Atlauta, aud at Peachtree and Intrenchmeut Creeks. He was killed at the latter place, July 22, 1864.

DAVID SAULSBURG, Owensboro', Ky, died of disease at Columbus, Mississippi, 1862.

JAMES E. TAYLOR, Bowling Green, Ky, engaged in nearly all the battles, and was wouuded at Chickamauga.


M. TAYLOR, Ohio County, Ky, took part in some of the earlier engagemeuts.

WF. TATUM, Hartford, Ky, was generally disabled by disease       for active duty, but took part in some of the engagements.

TITONROE TINSLEY, Livermore, Ky, engaged in nearly all the JjJL   battles, and was wounded at Shiloh and Resaca.

T\ ID WARD TINSLEYr, Livermore, Ky, fought at Shiloh and \j Vicksburg. He was wounded at the latter place, and disabled for further service during the war.

GUS THOMPSON, Kentucky, died of disease at Russellville, Kentucky, 1861.

TT L. VICKERS, Hawesville, Ky, fought at Shiloh, and was XI. wounded there, April 7, 1862. He was discharged soou afterward, being disabled by the effects of the wound.

JOHN K. WTCKLIFFE, Greenville, Ky, fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Batou Bouge, Hartsville, Murfreesboro', Jackson, Chicka-