many of the brethren of sister Lodges, the mortal
remains of our brother were conveyed to the beau-
tiful city of the dead at Mt. Vernon, where, after the
impressive ceremonials of our Craft had been per-
formed, his body was consigned to mother earth to
sleep that calm, sweet sleep which comes only to
those whose walk has been upright. There we leave
him until his hope ends in fruition, and on the glo-
rious morning of the resurrection his body rises as
immortal as his soul.
   "In Brother Wright's- death our Lodge has lost
one of its brightest jewels. It is therefore,
   " 1. Besooled, That in testimony of our love and
veneration for our brother, and to aid in some little
degree in perpetuating the memory of his virtues,
this preamble and these resolutions be placed upon
our records.
   "2. That we commend the life and example of
our brother to the Fraternity as an illustration of
that eminence that may be reached by the well-
directed and constantly-pursued purpose of doing
good in whatever place in life we may be called
to act.
   " 3. That our sympathies be tendered the family
in their bereavement.
   " 4. That this memorial be published in the Sun-
bright Dispatch, a copy be sent to the family, and
that we wear the badge of mourning for thirty days.
   "(Signed,)  S. E. FRANKLIN,
               W. B. CARLOCK, f Committee."
               THOS. MITCHELL, )
