At the following session of the Holston Con-
ference, Methodist Episcopal Church, the following
memoir was read and adopted:
   "Rev. A. B. Wright was born in Fentress
County, Tennessee, November 3, 1826. His early
opportunities for an education were very limited.
It is very possible that he never attended school,
all told, more than three months. He wvas con-
verted, August 28, 1843, at a camp-meeting held by
the Cumberland Presbyterians, in Poplar Cove,
Fentress County, and joined the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, October 1, 1843. Was licensed to
exhort, August 10, 1844, and was licensed to preach,
July 31, 1848, by Rev. Thomas Lasley, at Five
Springs Camp-ground, Clinton County, Kentucky.
He was ordained deacon by Bishop George F.
Pierce, at Cleveland, Tennessee, October 15, 1854,
and ordained elder by Bishop Calvin Kingsley, in
Knoxville, Tennessee, October 6, 1867.  He was
married to Cynthia A. S. Frogge, May 27, 1849. To
these parents were born six children, four sons and
two daughters.
   "During the Civil War he was a pronounced
Union man, and never faltered in his loyalty and
faith in the General Government during the dark-
est days of that strife. Embracing the first oppor-
tunity, he left the Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, and re-entered the Methodist Episcopal
Church in 1866. He joined the Holston Confer-
ence in October, 1867, and received appointments
as follows: 1867 and 1868, Jamestown; 1869 and