1870, Montgomery; 1871, Jamestown; 1872, Madi-
sonville (this charge he did not travel, however,
but traveled the Cumberland City charge, in the
Kentucky Conference); 1873, Jamestown; 1874,
Wartburg; 1875, Crossville; 1876, Wartburg; 1877,
Jamestown.   In August, 1878, he was elected
County Court clerk of Fentress County, which po-
sition he filled with efficiency and fidelity for four
years, during which time he held a supernumerary
relation. In 1882 he again entered the active work
and served the Wartburg charge; 1883, Sunbright;
1884 and 1885, Kingston; 1886, New River; 1887,
Sunbright; 1888, Oliver Springs; 1889, financial
agent of Sunbright Seminary, and traveled Mount
Vernon Circuit; 1890, agent for same institution,
and served as pastor for part of the year on New
River charge; 1891, at his own request he was
granted the relation of a superannuate, which rela-
tion continued up to death.
   "He was thrown from his horse, October 21,
1893, receiving injuries which, together with other
complications, resulted in his death, November 9,
1893. During the nine months immediately pre-
vious to the fatal illness, he had preached more
than a hundred times, witnessing under his minis-
try more than seventy-five conversions. ' He died
at his post.' His end was peaceful. To him heaven
was a great reality. He talked much of death and
of the glorious future with a faith truly sublime.
Rev. A. C. Peters preached the funeral sermon in
the Methodist Episcopal Church at Sunbright, after
which he was buried with Masonic honors in the
Mount Vernon Cemetery.