>  sl
Of   ant. Very few fields in Kentucky are entirely free from injury, A  
,5,   and many are afected very injuriously, the damage being per- . j l
19   o oeptible to casual observation in the retarded growth, and, as· . 
is T the seasons advance. in the prostration of infested corn by the ' g
d_ winds. As a rule, the injury is greatest on land that retains `· ll 
IB moisture longest. On high and well drained land it is not so "  il
BS   prevalent. In all these respects it agrees with the related corn- L   V
to lis root worm of the North. _ .. ,
if, _ I have not observed thus far that its abundance has any rela- ll X
In ' tion to the land having been previously in corn. The northern
Br species, it will be remembered, is commonly most abundant on l l
at old corn land. Two of the worst infested fields examined in  
· 1889, were one in tobacco, and the other in oats, in 1888. A I ,
{O third field, in corn in 1887 and 1888, was in oats in the spring of l  
,5, 1889, these to be followed the same season by a late planting of  lll I
S_ corn. This difference in the injuries of the two corn root worms ,  
ld is to be attributed to the fact that D Z072_f]}'CO7"lZ2l8 hibernates in    
the egg state 1n the earth or cornitield, whereas D. 12—pu;zoziazfa , j 
3, hibernates, at least in great part, as an adult beetle which wan-  
39 ders actively about in fall and spring in search of food. Still, . r g
jg the observation reported in Insect Life concerning injury to  
,6 orchard trees planted on corn land renders it probable that in , 
,9 some cases beetles which develop in corn land hibernate there. I, V:
a This would certainly be the case at any rate if the corn was
ts very late. · D. 1Q—p2mcfa1fcz seems to be the only corn root-worm  
of Kentucky, and certainly is the only generally injurious one. l i'
_i_ During two seasons’ collecting I have not found a single speci- if V 
ld men of D. Z072,_QIlC07`7?,’iS within the limits of the State,