. .  it'; I
’ nn1>oR·r on AGRICULTURAL nxrnnmrnnr srntrron. 185    ·A .—  
.5* ~ u » 3
s. trees ; but, really, there seems to be small danger from allowing { - ·‘   f_  
S stock the run of an orchard at all times. Prof. Cook has even   . [ li  
1; cut the grass under sprayed trees, and fed it to his horse. If '·l*   ‘ __ 
is the spray has been properly applied, very little of it drops from     f '-·.· `  
H . the leaves afterwards. _ 1, ‘_T_a,-U, `_ '·    
rg Dtmgcr to d[owt from Sjyrctyed Fmu'Z.—It has been shown, ’ ·’      
H both by exper1me11t and by practice, that there is no danger to   in ; -  
le be apprehended from eating fruit sprayed, either with the com-   l V ‘__;  
10 pounds of arsenic, or with Bordeaux mixture. . l   I f ‘  
CG Removal of Borclecauaz rl[ixtzw`e.—A more serious objection to   1:* U _·`‘V  
Gr the use of Bordeaux mixture on such fruit as grapes is the fact     ‘    
that it adheres, if applied late, so as to affect the market value   ‘ _    
Or of the fruit. As I have suggested above, this may be obviated it- ,_ ”  
EL largely by avoiding late applications of the mixture, and, where   T ' p  
{O necessary, using carbolic acid instead. l _ {   
er However, it has recently been shown at the Delaware Station   ~_ -_  
OY that the mixture can be easily removed by suspending fruit 1n a   . l   I ____  
tub of water to which has been added a couple of quarts of   ‘ _l _  
of cider vinegar.   ¥· if . Z  
he Some other g7`6C[(/lLd?lO7?,S.j—I(l addition to spraying, itwill be V      
M wise in combating the rot fungi (Monilia and Glteosporiuni), so   ._ H; V,  
lm injurious in this State, to see to it that all waste fruit 1S' de-     { _    
Ut Stroyed. The refuse from cider mills, and the imperfect fruit     Q    u
W . under the trees, should always be given to the hogs. All   , ‘ t g 
" through the winter one may see upon apple trees shriveled fruit, Q ·_ I  
We which was rotted by these fungi the preceding season. These   ‘  
-1 apples, and others which lie upon the ground, convey the spores   V- ,_.’ -"    
' of the rot fungi to the growing fruit. They should, of course,       T  
QH all be destroyed l "· l- I  
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