.· ¤`Qj,Z` · ·  1
° _ INDEX. 187   ·;· -  
Cabbage, bacterial disease of ....................... 43-46   - ·‘ ’. ‘4  
Csmbala snnulata ............................ 39 1 W ·      
Carbolic acid as a fungicide ....... . ............. . . . 180     _ , '   LT1
as an insecticide ....................... 176 l, p   ‘·    
Uermatia forceps ........................... . . 39     1    
. Circular NO. 3 ........,..................... ue l;_  ` _~ ;,Qfj~.*}
Clardy, Dr. J. D. ................ . ............ 5 l   I‘ ';_  
experiment with fertilizers on corn ............. 90 lf .' · ]· `  
Coccinella 9, notatn ............................ 27 in I _.  
~G1?· Cofer, B. F., experiments with fertilizers on corn .............. 99   _ _ ' A  
36 Colaspis brunnea ........................... 167, 168 ~ .1 . '  
31 Combs, W. P., experiment with fertilizers on corn .............. 98 g _:‘ V "  
126 Conopholis americana ........... . .............. 59 , v` .· ' ·    
134 Copperas   a fungicide ........ . ................. 180 E . .  
104 Copper sulphate as a fungicide ............... . ...... 180   . · " ,  
35 Corn, amount of potash, phosphoric acid and nitrogen removed in a crop of. . . 104 ` V in    
170 · Bulletin 26 on .................. i ......... 79   ‘ I  
60 effect of fertilizers on the shrinkage in curing, and proportion of cob . . . 102 { Q  
SU root-worm ............................. 9-22 fw _ A V I   
1*40 description of ............ * ........... 17   ' . i  
5 enemies of. ........................ 16   . _ .   E  
2 injury to corn by . ..................... 12   A, . i  
180 life—hist0ry of in Kentucky ................. 13   ‘ "Al ·  
5 remedial treatment for ...... , ............ 16   _ ` if I: 
1-4;; Curtis, C. L. ............................... 5 i '..°` l ’  
111 Bulletin No. 30 by , ...................... 135   _, ` *1; C 1:.% 
185 cams, H. n. . .............................. 5 g' _ _,-A 1  
177 Darby, Williziiii, experiment with fertilizers on corn ............. 91 ' ` ` r *` _ _· ;
178 DeCourcey, J. O., experiment with fertilizers on corn . ............ 97 1 _ ` ' · _‘ 
7-73 Diabrotiea longicornis .... . .............. . ....... 11 l .  
*10 12-punctata , . . ..... ` .................. ll   ,` ,  
(lll Dickinson, VV.   experiments with fertilizer on corn ............ 90   l   _  
65 Eau celestc as a fungicide ....................... 15*5, 179   - _   I,  
68 formula for .................... . . . 156, 179   'V __ · _`A ·  
W13 Einphytus maculatus . ...................... . . . . 164   1. M    
69 Empusa planclioniann . .......................... 25 l · · · _ A`  
5* English Bluegrass, eilects of fertilizers on . ..... . .......... 54-55 ` .'•· 6.. _.  
21 Epiphegus virginiane. . .......................... 59 ` ` .  
.17 Experiments with corn . . ...................... 79 1 . i VV `~  
57 ' with fertilizers on hemp . ,................ . . 105 l `. ‘ _ ·  
73 with fertilizers on meadow ....... . .,........ 53      
19 on tobacco , .................. 113   -»V l V  
105 on wheat ................... 143 , p V  
11;; with oats ......,................... 47   ' ’ .  
122 with wheat, . .............. . ....... 135 l   _    
135 Fertilizers, analyses of ......................... 131434   ij;
150 Bulletin No. 29 on ................ . ...... 122 ' ,' " I _  
1 1