" li 5%%;    
t l,‘v wg}:. · " L  1
‘  .:- ·‘? L; 
_ INDEX. 189 Y ·: · - *  
101 [mn sulphate as 2 fungicide .................... . . , . 180 . s " ‘      
112 gettries, Anderson, test of fertilizers on wheat ..............., 145 _‘    
53 Johnston, P. P. ...... . ............ . ......... . 5 ‘   4   lv L    
129 June-bug. ................................ 166 1- _   ·  
129 Kerosene as an insecticide ...................... . _ 174 ‘ ,' ‘    
143 _ Kinkead, Judge "W. B.. ................. , _ .______ _ 5   ‘·`fQ_·_ `  
[gg Letter of transmittal ........................ , . , 3 ` ·   ¥ l  
g Lime as an insecticide ........................... 176 · ,‘ — f."  
1; List of oifcers .............................. 5 Li- ‘. 'I  
{1;; Liver of sulphur as a fungicide ..................... 156-180   V ·— 1  
1,15 ’ London purp`e   an insecticide . ........ . .......... 156 176 .` . '  
gig r Lygns pratensis ......................... . . . . 171 . ., ‘ " i  
116 Lyons, Sandford ........................ , ..... 57 L   ' " V  
og Mathews, W., report on wheat .................... . . 143 l _ ·    
146 McLean, E.W., report on wheat ...................... 143 L .. · " 1  
1jg Meadow, test of fertilizers on ....................... 53 V ¢.  
143 ' Mesochcrus , ............................,. 35-36   ‘ I  
7; Meteorological summary ....... . ................ . 79 1    
1,17; Millipedes ................................ 38 ‘ _ _ L I   
1571 remedial treatment ..... . ................. 40 L ' 1  
5; Moseley, J. L ................. . ............. 23 ' . _ 7 ‘```  
173 Murray, Jas. ............................... 5   , 1 l · 1 
g1 Myriapoda . .....,...... . ................ . . 38 ` i'   L . I 
1j1; Nether-ton. J. WV., test of fertilizers on wheat. ............... . 145 · ·` `° ;
.; roaming, w. D .............................. 5-6   °* `  " 
qi; Nitidula hipustulata ............ . ............. 44 i ' `_ 7 M; C  
2;; Nitrogen, amount removed in a crop of corn ............ . . . . 104 J V. I, , · A    
g; Oats, experiments with .......................... 47 ` _ . ·‘ 4 
gg test of varieties ........................... 48-50 . 1 ' ‘ :  
gg; time and methods of planting and amount of seed used ......... 51-53 . .7 ;
gg Ol>servations on farm pests ........................ 9     ,' .  *
gi; Uilicers of the Station .................... _ ....... 5 U ' _   .  
gi Urcliards, treatment of, for insects and fungus attacks .........,.. 184   L     ',  
31 (l1‘ol>anclie minor ...........................,. 60 ` 'V ,_ I " I  
1,;5 Oseinis frit .......,........................ 146   ' 1.   _: ‘L  
Q3 variabilis ........................ . . . . 140 I — ·`·, _  
]ii5 Parajulnsinipressum. ............. : ......, . ..... 30 r .4*-‘ ` . 4.  
11;; Parasites of the grain-louse, ........... . ........... 243 ’ ·  
1;; tobacco worm ........ . . . - .......... 35-37 j 7 .. · IN `·  
( j;; · Pnrin aterrima .,....... . .................... 167 if `. . L ’  
112 canella ................ . .............. 167 i    
11,1 Paris Green as an insecticide ........................ 175 3 ·¤· Y  
pai Pzu‘l