°   THE oannrr. · 9
  our history. We hope to see many improvements in
j} every respect when the year closes. A college, in fact
{ja any institution, can survive only according to the work
lg it accomplishes. If State College wishes to rank with
  the best institutions of the beautiful Southland. we must
  do more and better work, and above all honest work.
T Wa wish to call the attention of the students and
  faculty to those who advertise in the CADET. They solicit
_ your patronage and you will do well to trade with them.
. They are all iirst—class and reliable firms, in fact the best
is business houses in the city advertise with us, and they
are entitled to the college patranage. You can get as
» good bargains from them as any place in town. They
i hely to snppost the college paper and they in turn should
` receive our patronage.
_i WE would like to enroll every student on our sub-
9; scription list this year. We shall endeavor to make the
I CADET better than it has ever been before. We desire to
make it the best college journal in the State. There is
· no reason why it should not be. But we need the hearty
j. co-operation of all students and faculty. The CADET is
»p the only college paper at State College and why not sub-
scribe for it? No college should be without a good lively
college journal. It takes time and money to make a good
paper. You will want to send it home occasionally to
your best girl or friends and parents, and don’t come
and ask the Business Manager or Ecitor to give you ore
Remember they cost us money. Besides you ought to
have enough college pride and spirit about you to want a
good lively college paper. We _have met with good en-
g oouragememt thus far butlwe are not yet satisfied .` C