El? I ` A
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  26 THE GADET. T L_
  ilization that can now be planted in thousands of neigh- ` `
  borhoods in all these states. This man or woman grad- _
  . nate from any of the great seminaries is not only a school _ 
  teacher but a worker in the church, and a leader in
  everything that the colored people especially need. And » 
  these people, every year, spend for things useless and -
  mischievous enough to furnish their own quota of this ‘
  fund. The good man or woman who would contribute T
27*%; .
tig $10,000 to the trustees of any of these Southern institu- · 
  tions, to be used in this way to encourage the colored L C
  folk to build up their own schools, would certainly put .
i money where it would "do the most good."
its . l
  . — ameisrna. .
  _ -
  Philosophian Society—Miss Lucas, President; Miss °
  Neal, Secretary. _
it ‘
  Union Literary S0ciety—Geo. Roberts, President; J , Z  »
  T. Gunn, Secretary. — 
  Patterson Literary Society—J. H. Bullock, President;
  T D. W. Hannock, Secretary. C 
  V Y. W. C. A.——Miss Terry, President; Miss- Horton,
  S Secretary. T
  Y. M. C. A.——T. L. Campbell, President; J. H. Cald- -
  ‘ well, Secretrry. { 
  Engineering Society-—Cl1as. Straus, President; T. W. ‘ 
  Scholtz, Secretary.
  Athletic Association———Chas. Straus, President; w.‘TQ C 
  Carpenter, Mgr. Foot Ball Team; T. L. Campbell, Capt. {
  Foot Bal1Teani; L. A. Scott, Capt. 2d Foot Ball Team. f