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  Vol. 8. LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER, 1897. No. 1.
V. DEAR PREs1DENT: Your letter received here today.
N It was forwarded from Moscow. After studying the mat-
  ter over carefully I had already determined to give up
  the Caucasus trip, and will make instead a hasty tour by
  way of Sebastopol, Odessa, Constantinople, Athens, Ca-
y tania in Sicily (to see Etna) to Naples, sailing from there
in all probability on the Enis, October 1, and arriving
· in New York about October 12 or 13.
The Congress closes day after tomorrow. It is the
largest and in every way the most successful ever held.
T The recognition it has received in Russia has been most
.. gratifying. There are between 900 and 1,000 members
U in attendance. Russia, Germany, the United States,
? France, England is the order the leading countries rank
» in members present.
Many of the members have been on the differt excur-
· sions preceding the Congress, and all bring back the
_ same report—received everywhere with the most lavish
hospitality and the heartiest good will.
I Here in St. Petersburg it has been a· continuous round
. of entertainment. The Grand Duke Constantine Con