I 6 THE oannr.   _
I six languages, Finnish, Russian Swedish, French, Ger-  
_ man and English. Russian must be taught in the  
I schools, but the people do not like Russian domination i`
and do not take kindly to the language. K
To~day I finished the packing of a good sized box of I
I mineral specimens and have shipped them in bond to QJ;
Cincinnati. They will form a valuable addition to our lili '
mineralogical collection in the new museum. The spec-  
irnens are choice and typical. There will be no duty to Q
pay on them. VV
I I anticipate with pleasure getting into the new build- ‘
. ing some time in the winter. I hope the college will
» open with the increased attendance expected, and that I
T before the term is over it will not be found that the ge0l· `
ogy and zoology has suffered by reason of my absence.
` Very sincerely, _
The foot ball season has come again. We have a _  
good many large men who can make good foot ball men
if they would only train. We have at least secured a
. good trainer for the season and the prospects are good
this year fo1· a splendid team. We should have more ‘
college spirit and pride and help make athletics a grand i
success in every way. They are essential in a well
‘ minded education. The body should be developed just
` as much as the mind. \Ve are thankful to those mem-
L it be1·s of the faculty for the encouragement they have giv- .
i en ns but there doesn’t seein to be enough college spirit
existing in the student body or the faculty as a whole.
Let us all try to make this the most successful yea1· for
athletics in the history of the college.
@1Qw. ..... ,... J.-   . `   . .4 . .; .   . .i in ‘