-, I 7 J   We are offering in this issue a “special report.” Not  
      . 4;/, C, because we’re lazy and have nothing better to f€ll sixteen  
A ).//` fg   J pages, but because we feel the report oyers a definite  
insight into the problems and frustrations which many Q. AS
colleges and universities are experiencing.  
  _ V You, as interested alumni of this university and   I'
/ fx  57 concerned Americans, should be made aware, we think, ‘
tr ` A i/  of the condition of our higher education system. It is 1
, with this in mind that we present the 1971 “Moonshooter"   ]oi
V     report: “Are Americans Losing Faith in their CollegesP"
. i . V Y   It may be said that much of this loss of faith is based l
  . V ‘ °   on past campus disturbances. It is unfortunate that l M
l ` _ "   A the actions of a few result in condemnation of many. l
Y L ` , - ‘ . _   ‘l~' Less than three per cent of the college students on the
A ’ ·   - Q  nation’s campuses (less than one-half of one per cent on
      9 . Z. the UK campus) are considered actually intent on creating f ]a
  disruption of any sort and yet this minute minority is  
    ° viewed as the example of today’s youth. The generaliza-  
  n y` tion that radicals are bad—radicals are students-  
, V , therefore students are bad—is a narrow-minded view  
,   founded on emotion rather than reason.   E
‘ As the report indicates, the loss of faith, coupled w-ith  
a deteriorating financial situation for many institutions, All E
has resulted in the closing of many schools, with others  
I L either drastically reducing their programs or seriously   PV
c. V considering closing their doors.  
* Alarming? Yes it is. That’s why we are giv·ing you  
the opportunity to read and study this report and,  
hopefully, share your reactions with us.
—D.M.B. § A
_  `lY‘g_ 1 ali guegi l l  P
if ,_ l `  
Glenn Barkley Moorc `6l (see “p1·0Hle” on page 29) l D
ruccivccl the Algernon Sidney Sullivan Medallion at the l S
Univcrsilys 104tl1 Commonccmcnt, May 8.   (