Alumni Service Awards, initiated in 1961, have thus far honored 45 alumni for the con-
tributions they have made to the continuation of the alumni program.
    lllll ._, ’ §   Q
  ,¢lr I    I  ]OE CROSS CHEASON ’40, Louisville, proudly pro- f
  llty    ;j;{f.@Y  claims his native city of Benton (Marshall County) in
I   —    _g      his daily column in the Louisville Courier-Iournal. With
  `I‘`*      J l     an equal enthusiasm, he spreads good news of the Uni-
I ._ V. .   — V __‘i‘1    I   I versity in his travels throughout the state. Due to a
U I V       change from fscal to calendar year for the Alumni As- V
I. _°`“_ ji Q i ‘    i y l   V. sociation, Mr. Creason served as president of the Assoeia- I
  "     ‘  tion from Iuly, 1969, until january, 1971. He has also
      served as a member of the Board for many years and
.   chairman. of the annual Fund Drive.
PAUL KEEN ’26, Falls Church, Virginia, has been a    i ll —_
member of the Washington—UK Alumni Club since 1928. V _';` I   .;;VV _.VVV_  
He has served terms as president and secretary-treasurer A V     V 
and has enjoyed two terms as president of the Kentucky _ V_° Q   V    
Society of Washington. In 1969 he retired after 42 years   s  
of service to the District of Columbia Government. A   I " `  
native of Trammell, in Allen County, Mr. Keen received   Vi``V.   I ·—i»  
a bachelor of laws degree f·rom UK in 1926.   I" ,
    Mrs. lohn M. Glass ( MARY ELIZABETH ECKLER ’37), I
V_ · _ . I   ° "‘ St. Petersburg, Florida, is a native of Williamstown, and
S   I.    received a BA degree in education from UK. She has
8 _   ‘ V   served as secretary—treasurer of the St. Petersburg club
S . ”` I  .  g for several years and spends countless hours keeping that
,1; _   ` I .’lV   club active. Mrs. Glass was elected president of Province
;_ V:V_V I     ?*   VII of Alpha Gamma Delta International Fraternity for
V,.    yi  gi,      _y fhg bigrmium 1970-72 and spends considerable time
  M  `   traveling in this capacity.
  A V ....__ V.  
I 3