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A ° ‘ ‘L ’ ’ F L y It
1 They Have Earne hear or 0 a y A r
· The 1903-54 campaign tor Loyalty Fund scholarships is on. ]ust a few dollars
A   · out of your animal budget, just one less pair of nylons—one less trip to the theater Kegygg
A · · , ‘ it L `
f ——Oll€ less CaI`tO11 of C1g€t1`€tt€S (lllflllg lil1€ 1l1()1‘€ 1112111 300 (lays left ot tl1€ N€\\’ i2.00ixuB
  _ Association
. Year—and one young man or young woman will he able to have a college educa- {Tg-
i . em er c
  tion through the combined ellorts ot all UK alumni. - gfgcii
V V V Office at
MAY HAVE MORE! just a few dollars, out of each family budget, is all we ask. Helen G_
— . . . . . . G. Lee M1
those dollars may be the means ot producing an engineer, a physicist, a scientist. klarguwrt
_ V _ rme ie
— _ an attorney, an educator, a creator ot art, literature or drama, or—a great American
A ‘ \, I .V 1953-
_ i lotl e1 H. RV Dm
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`Q Will Ed (
X ‘ land, Ky
· l \\`illiam E. Butler. 41 (Ilillside, Tuekahoe. New York \\'illred L,. Yalade, ll, 1499 N, Renaud, Grosse Points \Voods $30, Mich. loignghng
1 ` Charles A. Paynter, 2908 Avon lload. Louisville, Ky. jack Shields, Bloomfield, Ky. Douglas pg
i 1)r. George E. Cain, Dante, Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Davis, 240 Cochran l’td.. Lexington, Ky. lhs; T- 18
l Williaiu E. Garland, :376 5th St., Paintsville, Ky. Etlwarrl Jackson Carter. 1709 S. Campbell St., Hopkinsville, Ky. Row; ge
[ Fred Il. MeCrea, 2517 N. Sth Ave., Terre Ilaule. lnd. Guy .·\. Hnguelet, Barrow Rd., Lexington, Ky. Lgxjngtb
  Paul S. Powell, ]r., 1930 Cardinal Ave., Aliquippa, Pa. _lolm ll. Bullock, 603 Dixie Terminal Bldg., Cincinnati 2, Ohio l· @111518
V \Villiam C. Bryson, 8554 \Vexford Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Mrs. john N. Browning, Edgelnont; Rd,, l\{aysville, Ky, V Drmagghl
, E. .\. Armstrong, 112 College Ave., Beckley, \V. \'a. _l. B. Irlutson. Tobacco Associates 1nc.. 1200 18th St., NAV., lymud ,
T Kathryn   Huntsman, Maysville, Ky. “l*‘*l1l“!=lt01‘ 6· D- C· Herndon {
1   Bay johanneman. 707 \V. Ashland, Louisville, Ky. ll- l'li)B11Tl$ii1‘ (EQ<‘$1lll‘11t Bell C0. Alumni Cluh—Cluh Contribution) Gulirusteeé
Claude V. Cooper, jr,. Box N0, 585, l-l,mml_ K,-_ 1111*1 Vi, >;. - V V V V EB A.d 1
Logan L. Ratlill. 507:3 N, 27th $t,, Arllugluu 7, v,l_ 11*111*111 E· (’0l€l$1111<’- Box 406, Port jcfterson srurmu, lvuui york “,mi;1;Vr Ii
james M. Buell, 1109 Stantliforrl Lu., Luuisylllu, l{y_ 11;*11*·l*$i1·j‘“‘<é¤<1.V IE5;) H111\’11Fd $15. §.W.. \Vaslnngton, D. C. V VVBMEVVV LV
. _loit·· inurl Curuuuly. 15:2; 24a. si,. Canton 9, Ohio  V‘· -*1*; 1S;~· {TQM 1¤r¤·¤. $11 Nj. A~. Allenliursr. 1-·l‘X111l{10I1, ky, _ ·  
- joseph I. Kramer, Langgasse 46, Berne, $wigml·luu(l }V“"‘*   V;1;P>111‘<‘~ *1*111115 l¤1l‘“’ 1*411111. -1l<1>’ster'VRtl.,V Lexington,   V DL Geogggi
Ben C. Stapleton, 829 Sixth Sr., Stapleton omg,. Supply CON "'“*1 · ·1 <‘1» 1-¤111¤1'1llv Cement Co., ¤01 S. curl sl., Loursvlllu L, lor, me me]
Portsmouth. Ohio lla)'111<111(l E. Clark, 956 Nela View Road, Cleveland 12, Ohio ll- D, Pa]:
I Chas. F. Bailey, 602 The Alameda, Middletown, Ohio M1'$· ,l- E. 1’111¢:l1COUl<, ji'., 105 Arclier Iload, Syracuse 4, N. Y, SV|g§Vn°1b1-1'Y
George S. Seearee, 7136 Fir St., Houston, Texas ll¤11`1‘)‘ E. Tait, ll'., 1801 East Hernandez St., Pensacola, Fla. . yrulkirlig
\Villiain \Valter. Avondale Estates, Ga., 13 Avondale Plaza Mal. l. E. Moore, U6$)1·)(~)2. 230 Lang Rd., San Antonio, Texas
ll_ l,_ (j(,p(»ull,“·,.,·_ (j(,luml,l,l_ ](y_ \V. C. Harrison, President, Baptist College, Porto Alegre, Brazil P V G A
Nancy 1). Lewis. 121 Angell St., Providence. ll, I. Miss Blarznerile McLaughlin. 226 East Maxwell, Lexington, Ky. °§ · Bl
, Mr. uurl hhs, A, Dur-ia 1-lillilu-rl. RR No. :3, Clinton, Ky. Jsnnes W. Ewiniz. 1’.0. Dr:nv¤·r $4. Henclers<¤n. Ky. 1llcl,l§,d E
. Herman F. Scholtx. \Voodl>onrne Farin, ¥Varrenton. Va. X11". and B1|`!i.V(;l‘0l‘1Ll‘ WV. Newnian. 558 Peachtree Battle Ave., NAV. ll'. P, dl
` Exvell Hatfield, 809 Peoples Bldg., Charleston, \V. Va. VV ‘i\tl‘;`m;   (.13 E \i V S D VVV K GF“111lY¤11a11V'1. llavnshorg. 32 Pease Ave,_ \',·mmr_ N_ _l_ V V V CVV;;1’lRCo,,V
Dr. Richard Elliott, 1322 \Vest Seeourl St., 1.exiugmu_ Ky, 1*1111**   lV111l‘_(1’1‘4‘S1¢lL*11t of Pike Co. Alumni Cluh—Cluh (.[)11h‘1l)\1l1(1l1l· K . Ki
(ienrue Becker 814 Uwirut sr, Mullull v_ Y, P1l<1’V1ll¢‘· 1\Y· New
,' '_ ,_ . `_ ` ` _ , Elmer ll. johnson, 403 Louisville '1`rust Bldg., Louisville, Ky. mm ll
l`heordorr· Becker. 221 X. llnmphrey. Oak lark. lll. (1 _ _ , ,. . . , , , Hflldergo
_ . ... , . , _. , .ordon E. Burns. 1.72a Union 5t.. beheneetady, N. X. _\
Rosa Lena Brinnfield. 008 b. Limestone, Lexington. Ky. \I,__ I V__,_ E \ Vk V B V _,_3H_ T VV V] V _ C H VVV S I t, DV ( .,,‘_“_ ·11llur Nut,
Bvlty llee Rhoads, Box :31, l?arruiu,;ll,u_ Mm · 1** .***11 · ·‘ ( <1~ Uk ¤· D. cat urs .o (ci ta um, ru ou, .. V End Cent
. ' . .Watki
° · T·LDziwsu¤
 V V ouisvillc
E ~ K.