xt78w950kd38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950kd38/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1970 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, January 1970 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, January 1970 1970 1970 2021 true xt78w950kd38 section xt78w950kd38  

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Hon. Louie B. Nunn . Hon. Wendell Ford
Governor Lieutenant Governor

Department of Corrections


John C. Taylor Commissioner

Harold E. Black Deputy Commissioner

Arthur M. Reynolds Director of Education

Weldon Welch Director of Farm Management

W. Parker Hurley Director of Probation & Parole
William Lyon Director of Staff Services
Robert Perry Superintendent of Industries



John Will Wingo Warden

W. G. Herndon Acting Associate Warden-Custody
John W. Drennon Associate Warden~Administration
William H. Lesley Associate Warden—Treatment
William M. Egbert Supervisor of Education

Robert J. Grubbs Supervisor of Industries

Jerry L. Wilson Chief Counselor

Robert HOpkins Psychologist

Raymond Powell Institutional Parole Officer
Max C. Salb, MD Medical Director

R. P. Parker Captain~Correctional Officer

H. R. Patterson Personnel Training Officer

Rev. H. E. lnman Protestant Chaplain

Father Thomas Clark Catholic Chaplain

Glenn Wade, Chairman
Mrs. Lucille Robuck Glynn V. McMinoway
Sewell C. Harlin ' David L. Davis




H. R. Dunbar Editor

Charles Barmes Associate Editor.
Coy Rushing, Jr. News Editor

Dan Taylor Art Director
Charles DuRain Illustrator

G. W. Giles Reporter

CASTLE — is published monthly at Kentucky State Penitentiary, Eddyville,
Kentucky, under the supervision of the Vocational Training Center. The
Advisor to Castle is J. R. Hubbard, Vocational Instructor.










(This corrects Numerical Sequence)

CASTLE - A monthly publication by the residents of Kentucky State
Penitentiary, Eddyville, Kentucky. The primary purpose of this
magazine is the creative expression of the residents here in the
hope that it will 'bring about a better understanding between our-
selves and society. The views and comments expressed herein are not
necessarily those of the Administration. Permission to reprint all
original materials is granted provided the source is acknowledged.
We will print and welcome all pertinent rebuttal to articles in our
magazine. CASTLE is a member of the International Institutional
Press Association.

Warden Wingo Speaks out ------------ Page 1
An Open Letter to the Legislature ------- Page 3
Hire An Ex-Con Advertisement --------- Page 5
NEW Mental Facility -------------- Page 6
Parole Board Results and Poem --------- Page 7
A.A. Open House ---------------- Page 8
Pound Keys by Chuck Barmess ---------- Page 9
Mr. Purvis and his Reports ---------- Page 10
Industries Report to Taxpayers ------- Page 12
Reprint-Castle Visits the Canteen ------ Page 13
From The Editor-Dunbar rants -------- Page 15
Lions—Club Helps Crippled Children --------- Page 16
Ex-Inmate Makes Good ------------ Page 18
Movies ------------------- Page 1
Bill Cox‘s Penal Press ----------- Page 21
Training Center and Data Processing— - — ~-Page ZA
New Project and Uartoon of the Month- - — «Page 25
Garment Factory -------------- Page 26
Sports-' ------------------ Page 27
Meet Mr. Wilson, Dennis ---------- Page 28
Passing Parade --------------- Page 30
History Page ---------------- Page 31
Advisory Committee Named ---------- Page 32
Stone-Brandel Art Contest --------- Page 33
Clothing House-Modern Building ~~~~~~ Page 3h


JANUARY _ 1970






In keeping with the changing times, CASTLE brings you a change
in the line up for the start of the 70's. An all star team of both
underpaid staff and volunteers have been at no expense to the tax-
payer, they are:

Charles "Chuck" Barmes, Associate Editor. Chuck has been a loy-
al contributor as a volunteer reporter for some time. In a corporate
raid on I.B.M., CASTLE was fortunate enough to snag him away from in-
dustries° With only a short time to remain within the walls, we feel
with his ability he will bring a fresh look that will help broadenthe
scope of your CASTLE. .

Billy Steele, Silk Screen. When our $70.00 worth of silk-screen—
equipment arrived and we all stood around wondering what the heck to
do Billy volunteered to help set it up having 5 years experience .of
this type work in Louisville prior to his arrival here. He will be
responsible for both the CASTLE and the A. A. magazine OUR HOPE.
Seeing to it the covers are up to snuff.

Several volunteers who are giving of their spare time and effort
are:. Coy P. Rushing, Jr., News Editor. Coy is currently assigned to
the mess hall and When he is not working there he is busy helping us
out. You can expect to hear a lot from Coy "C. P." in the future, He
has high ideas and we hope he can win out with them.

” You will note the fine art work and headings, these were done by
our new Cartoonist & Illustrator, Danny Taylor. With the expertise
of Charles DuRain, you can expect to see some fine art work in the...

Some old heads remain; reluctantly, in the newly painted fire
engine red news room will of course be the Editor, Sports Editor, Ja—
mes Kearns and a host of well wishers and hecklers, with a good stiff
lock on the door, sleep well Kentucky. The boys at Eddyville are 10—
cked upntight and if the water rises any higher, land looked well.!!!
HELP! The Titanic is sinking! and I. B. M. says: "No more raiding."




WHAS-TV, Louisville, KentudkyéyiSited the institution on ,
January 28 to make a fihniintorviawof the institutional staff:
a d some shots of the Old Castle it's self. Mr. Charles Kuohn‘
e bred, a student at Western Kentucky University, Bowling
Green and a news-stringer for the Louisville Courier-JOurnal

{radio-and television outlet. As we go to press the film has
at to be processed and script written. We'll inform you as
{0 time and date—the film will be shown.


CASTLE . ~? JANUARY 1970 - " PAGE 1








Warden John W. Wingo has
the residents of K. S. P., in a message released December 17,
.he said:




announced a


Each inmate shall be allowed a maximum of seven
persons on his mail list. These persons shall

be members of the immediate family or may include
approved non—family members.

The Clinical Services staff shall have the
responsibility of preparing and keeping current
the approved mail list for each inmate. The
staff shall determine the suitability of
correSpondence between inmates and non-family
members on the approved mail listo

Each inmate shall be entitled to write and
receive a reasonable number of letters weekly.

Inmates are to use stationary provided by the
institution for all personal mail°



Correspondence addressed to the Governor or
Commissioner of Corrections shall be forwarded
to these offices without being censored.

Letters so addressed shall be sealed but will not
require any postage.

Such mail shall be placed in the specifically
marked box located in fromt of the greenhouse.

A designated member of the treatment staff will
open the box twice weekly and letters contained
there shall be immediately forwarded.





All legal writs and letters pertaining to
official court business are to be referred to
the office of the Associate Warden for Treatment.


All letters to prospective employers written for
the expressed purpose of obtaining employment at
the time of legal release from this institution
will be forwarded through regular channels.

new set of mail rules for









As you sit at your des egislature
and ponder which way you will vote on the issues ot the day.o..before
you; we hope that you will thumb through this issue oi.the inmate pu-
blication of Kentucky State Penitentiary—Castleo Our story we hopeis
known to you as well as the programs and plans that are being put fo-
rward by all people concerned with corrections and those who have st-
rayed from the path of true law and ordero . ‘

We can't help but think back to the l9h0's and several°.o.¢great
Kentuckians, Alben W0 Barkley and Simeon So Willis, They were theooo
pioneers in modern progress in this stateo They andzmahy others,..if
they were alive today, would be looking down on you from the visitors
galleryo The famous Barkley grin and the air of human kindness “that
marked, Governor Willis; we can almost visualize them turning tO' one
another and saying, "At last‘ Kentucky is on the march."

Since 1963, the Department of Corrections has been trying to pu-
mp new life in the penal system, It has been an enlightened..°ostate
legislature that has made all this possible, They in the past, have
made possible for men, even though confined, to speak out and say wh-
at'seright and what's wrong with the existing programs and to.,..call

‘ for changeo

Here at KSP, progress is going along hand in hand with thee..new
‘philOSOphy in the nations' correctional programso Just as Kentucky
was the first in the nation, many years ago, to set the pace fore...a
peaceful coexistance between the North and South, today our state is
once again on the doorstep of becoming a leader in the new enlighten-
ed era of correctionso The bringing about of new programs and train-
ing for the resident“ populations of all four of our correctional fa-
cilities. . "

wSome 98 per cent of us Will be back with you in due timeo It is

up to you as duly elected representatives of the citizens of the Com-
monwealth to decide if you want to offer an additional reward for go-
od behavior, good work records, and general good conduct while on pa-
role or while in the institutiono If the inmate lobby, as Clay'Bfifiaey,
K.P.A and.Bill Powell call us, goodoaa91Mmy'add just this thought. It
comes from a poem by Matthew Cawein and is found in a brochureooabout
Kentucky's most famous timepiece, the Floral Clocko

Some measure time by stars

and some by hours;

Some measure days by dreams,

_ p and some by flowers. -‘

F_Below isla digest of a previous story in our magazine quoting...
these-two dietinguished journalifitSo Both of whom, you have.chosen,,.
to honor far better than we ever could.

OUR LOBBY**NO HOBBY-Outside newspapers help outo A big boost is
being given to the inmate plan here to get some help from the 1970...
Legislatureo ~First to call attention to the plan was Clay Wade Bai--


'ley, Frankfort correspondent for the Lexington Herald, Bill Powell.,

long CASTLE friend, devoted his October 22, 1969, Notebook column to

- our remote control lobbying, Below are quotes from both columns:

Clay Wade Bailey a EDDYVILLE INMATES GET INTO ACT - "While agen-
cies of government and Special interest groups are preparing special,
dishes to be considered during the coming General Assembly for law.°.
changesjone has come from a different and strange source.

Prisoners in Eddyville who will be unable to appear in person to
plead their cases,have a program in storeo









The suggestions might come under the heading of "prison reform"
or "serve your sentences quickly" but they would, in effect ease the
parole laws so as to produce quicker release of incarserated persons
with less than an offensive record.

Through "CASTLE" comes the suggestion as to the changes. The
publication points that it would like to see Kentucky's penal laws..
eased so as to correspond with Tennessee's on "Good Timefl

The group also asked a bit of other legislation to allow the..
time of a served sentence to be credited by time spent on "unviolat—
ed parole".

Aware that they will not be permitted to leave confinement for,
the lush halls of Frankfort come January, CASTLE suggested:

"The Legislative Research Commission will have to do our lobby-
ing for us. We don’t see our way clear, right now, to having ourcmm
lbbbist represent us at the 1970 meeting of the Legislature."'

And miss the beauticians, plumbers, business tycoons, coal min-
ers and infinitum?"

MOTE CONTROL' — "The lobbying legion is one of the most colorful....
sidelights of the General Assembly -— If you can call a daily swirl
of armtwisting and other persuasion a sidelight.

Some of the bestmliked and most colorful people in Kentucky sh—
ow up in the marbled halls of the Capitol daily while the legislatuna
is in session. They keep a close watch on proceedings and put in a
word with lawmakers every chance they get. Then at night the lobbflfiy
most of them registered as such, gang the places where legislators..
gather, to carry on their work until the small hours of the morning.

Good lobbyists fit into a pattern pretty well, and most operate

Now something new in lobbying. I read about it first in CASTLE.
The lobbyists won't get to Frankfort. They are prisoners.

The allowance sought by the Eddyville men would seem, on the...
surface, to be a powerful encouragement for good behavior.”

CASTLE EDITOR‘S NOTE - In his Paducah Sun-Democrat column, Mr.
Powell in helping said, "I wouldn't be suprised to see this proposed
law pass next January." It will, Bill, if all of the loyal CASTLE..
supporters, like yourself, will bend a legislative ear for us.

It should be pointed out that the inmate lobby is also interes-
ted in all these proposals to beretroactive.

DONALD SILLS - THE INMATE LOBBY FOR 1970 — The 'Inmate Lobby'to
obtain some relief for their fellow inmates report that the program
has developed a fine head—of-steam as the time for the 1970 meeting
of the General Assembly draws near. The men are asking for a revis-
ion of the current "Good Time" law now on the books and prOpose that
it follow the plan now in use in Tennessee, Kentucky now only allows
90 days a year for "Good Time" no matter how many years you spend in
the institution.

It is the contention of many and supported by many......outside
citizens that more reward should be given a man for a steady work
record and conduct record while in prison. Tennessee now allows
the following:

First year —————————————————— 90 days
Second year ---------------- 120 days
Third year ---------------- 150 days
Fourth year ---------------- 150 days

Fifth year ---------------- 150 dafls






From Bill Powell's Notebook. How many people in West Kentucky,
would be willing to hire an execonvict? .

I need to know, not for myself but for a friend who is in gpria
son at Eddyville.

Hugh Dunbar, a bright fellow who edits "Castle," the official..
publication of Kentucky State Penitentiary, has been assigned by the
Kentucky Crime Commission to write a report on the inmate's view of
corrections and the prison at Eddyville.

Hugh needs to know how peOple feel about hiring men who have...
been in prison. He wants the truth, because his report is an impor-
tant one that could help many men who are struggling back to an or-
derly life. ' '

In hiring eX—convicts, the employer would be provided all the..
important information about the man. Authorities would take off the
gloves and tell what a man was sentenced for and how he acted.....in

Please take a minute to write me about this. I will take all..
of the letters I get to Warden John Will Wingo of Kentucky Statern—
itentiary for delivery to Hugh Dunbar. .

You will be obligated in no way.

Hugh simply wants to know how peOple feel about ex-cons. . Let—
ters will be sent to the crime commission along with Hugh's report“
They could be very meaningful.

I think peOple have sharp ideas about this subject. I thinkthb
: ey would express themselves willingly in some kind of forum. lBut,

I am pessimistic about your reSponse to this appeal——I know by myown
behavior that letters of this kind are hard to get.
* But please remember that we need your help.

"There is such a Strong feeling here of rejection by society...
that many men in writing to the commission or the Governor say they
can't find employment. I contend this isn't so," said Dunbar. END

To date letters received as a result of the column above all...
have been 100% favorable. (Editors Note).





Perhaps everyone who concern themselves with-their....soundness
of body, mind and spirit should heed the warnings of the American
Cancer Society and numerous other organizations, and maybe they
could have a long enjoyable life. The following article came to us
via the Associated Press:

"SPRY CENTENARIAN-Martin Mack, at 105, believed to be
oldest resident, shows he is still spry enough to ride
his bicycle. And he's not showing off he rides the
bicycle downtown almost every day. He also tends a
large garden from which he sold $125 in produce last
year. Married at the age of 63, he and his wife have
lived alone since their daughters married. He neither


THIS IS THE ISSUE to read carefully. We didn‘t and look where we are!







p1 Carl Manning, Sun~ Democrat Staff Writer. The constructioncf
a psychiatric care center for the mentally ill inmates is underwayat ,
the Kentucky State Penitentiary, warden John W. Wingo said Tuesday.

Speaking at a Lions Club luncheon, the Warden said the new fac-
ility will be used to house about 40—50 of the more critically ment—
ally ill inmates at the prison.

The facility, which will be segregated from the regular prison
cells, is being constructed at an estimated cost of $100, 000, with
completion expected within six months.

The center is being built in the old No. 3 cellblock unit,vdmre
many of the mentally ill inmates have been under constant supervisbn
and care.

Included in the new facility where the inmates can receive exm
tended care and treatmento '

"Many of the inmates are in such mental state that we have...to
literally feed them and cloth them," the warden said.

The warden also said he hopes to employ a psychiatric aide to
work with the inmates in the facility. He said the prison does not
have a staff psychiatrist, although there is one who visits the pri-
son once each week.

"He doesn't have time to do any major treatments," the. warden
said. "About all he can do is check over the person. It is not be-
cause he doesn't want to, it's just that he does not have the, time
necessary." ‘

The warden said there is about 70 inmates who are mentally def—
ective to the extent that they require extra care.

About 20 of the worse cases are currently under constant super-
vision and care, the warden said.

Another 70 mentally ill inmates are working among the prisonpmu
pulation under constant supervision. ‘

These persons' mental condition is not to the extent that isol-
ation is required, the warden said.

The warden also said he would like to see the state build...an
institution to house the mentally ill and perhaps also inmates with
short-term prison sentences could be placed.

This, he said, would allow the prison to be used to keep thenx»
re "hard-core" criminals.

"The mentally ill person does not belong in the prison, but‘UB-
re is no place else he can be placed," the warden said.

He said perhaps the state corrections department could cooper—
ate with the existing mental health agencies in the state in setting
up such a facility.

The warden said such an idea would have to be a longrange plan,
adding that it would be at least two years before such an underafldng
could become a reality.

Wingo said the state needs more community based programs tosohe
the problem of rising prison population.

"It's sad but true that unless a person is directly involved...
in some way with the prison, then he gives no thought to the problem
surrounding it," Wingo said.




Subscribe to CASTLE.....See advertisement on page 25 1
_ _ 10 1 1 _
See the Lions of Lyon County in the Valentine day Issue.




BEFORE THE BOARD He had not been present for the
by Gene Kirby September meeting. Mrs. Lucille
- Robuck, Mr. David L. Davis, Mr.

Standing before the Parole.Board, Sewell Harlin, and Mr. Glynn MC’
A convict hung his head. Minnoway, Board Members were all

He was listening to these words present at the one day meeting.
That.one of the members said. October recapulation°
“Son,you”ve been a model prisoner

. q Parole recommended 25
Here behind the walla Deferred six months 2
But I see here on your record9 Deferred One Year 3

. . ”
This 18 your second falli Deferred seventeen mons.1

Deferred a year & half 1
Deferred two years 2
Parole was denied 14
Parole conditions stand 4
total cases consider. 52

"This Board would like to parole

"The nature of your crimeghoweverg
Is just too bad to overlook.

So you”ll have to do more time."

November Board average h8%

Don't let this discourage you» The recapulation for Nov .


Keep your record clear. Parole recommended 29
Perhaps we can help you , Deferred two months 1
When you appear againgnext year," Deferred Six months 5
Deferred ll months 1
The convict stood in silence? Deferred one year 1
Not believing what heid heard. Deferred 18 months 1
Se numbed from the shack; Deferred 24 months 9
He couldnit utter a word: Deferred 36 months 2
Parole Denied 11
nggggneipa g wgékid t2 the d00?‘ Total cases Considered 60
.K 9 .. .a .9 3145 v ‘3 4.33 9311133911 '5
AAtgai feiffiupfn+tge €§9§F December Board Average h7.5%
n ere lb Wig” e afil‘” Parole recommended 19
“I know that you kind peopie gegerreg three mogfihs
‘ “ a “ gm’ 5 n
Have done what you think is right, e erred 3}? mo sth
But tell me please. what can 1 Deferre 1 teen mon 5
say " ’ ' Deferred 18 months
-. n .. Deferred 24 months
~ ' . «rt ' Cu tr“ 1
In my letter to max; tonigh Deferred 27 months

mingle: Deferred 36 months
1 ' Deferred 48 months


Parole stands


The Kentucky State Parole Board

during their meeting at the pen- Potal cases considered‘
itentiary on October 2,fl969,had wf&,¢f= ‘
an_average of 52% paro es grant-

Last year the October average
was 30 per cent. Men with longer
sentences were given parole con»
w sideration during this meeting. It

was at this session that the Chairn

man, Glenn Wade, returned to the
- Chairmanship after a long illness.
(Continued on next column)



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~3€°££fl -

Sunday, January 4, 1970, was a very special day for a consider»
able number of men confined here behind the walls of KSP, It was
Special to these men because, as members of the A, An Hopeful Group,
they were commemorating the Twelfth Anniversary of their group, and
celebrating their having taken yet another' giant step up the path
toward sobriety,

The Hopeful Group Fellowship was begun here in 1957, as a
direct request of three Convict Alcoholics, These three men were
concerned about the destructive role alcohol had played in their
lives, and realized deep within themselves that they had to do somew
thing realistic about their drinking problem if they were ever to
live constructive and meaningful lives,

What is A, A0? I've heard this question poses puzzlement any


number of times, during my involvment in the Hopeful Group, I
have never heard it so aptly answered as it was during our Twelfth

A0 A., is as every member knows, essentially a fellowship of
men and women, who through a person to person involvment process
exemplified by a sharing of experience, feelings and ideas, come to
achieve a common goal "sobriety", This is A, A0, in practice, li—
ving, vital total involvment A, A0,

Fifty guests from various A, A, Groups in the surrounding cit—
ies came to our anniversary meeting, among them were Joseph R ,
and Wayne S___. "——

The meeting was called to order at 10:30 Ao M., following a
brief period of unrestricted intermingling among the ‘guest and
the resident members,

Billy G___, Secretary of the HOpeful Group acted as Master
of Ceremonies, William C___, Editor of A0 A, Magazine, James P___,
and Evan R___, spoke to the HOpeful Group with very interesting sto-

Doc of the Madisonville Group was introduced by Billy G__,
Doc gave us a brief runadown on his own prison and alcoholic exp—
eriences° He is a very dynamic speaker and put across a vivid
picture of prison life and alcoholism. He has found his creator
through A0 A0, and is serving him,

Billy G___, then announced that the food prepared for the
festivities had arrived and it was time to adjourn for lunch, This
was greeted by a rumble of voices, the meeting was brought to a
close by Jerry F , with a word of prayer and thanksgiving.

It is a good-thing we have only one anniversary a year. Other—
wise there would be a temptation to become bogged down in this
Siberia of Kentucky.

The food was well prepared and there was a wide variety of it-
ems to choose from, including pies, cakes and so on brought by out-
side guests, There was more food than the whole clan could devour,
so some had to be sent back untouched, Many of the men made the
line twice and smiles of pleasure were as numerous as smug pert-
ruding stomacheso Certainly we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude
to all the people who made sure a delightful meeting including
the wives and mothers of the outside Alcoholic guests for their
pasterieso We also thank the cooks in our Kitchen for the del~
icious morcels they prepared; and the Warden,Mr° John Wingo for not
only allowing the meeting to take place, but for his assistance in
arranging the meal from the Prison Kitchen to insure such a fiest









[PoundinV Keys.
MAN & THE 70‘s 3' There seems to be a question as to what to call
the seventies. Perhaps we need not call them anything.oo.just do
the best we can with themo Man has not always done his best. Since
eons ago when man discevered fire he has been on a journey cf una
precedented accomplishment; year by years It is fact that we con»
‘fuse "progress" with material and mechanical extensions. In our
quest to conquer nature, we have failed because we have not conque-
red ourselves. Man has yet to learn the true meaning of fifibuhewfihOd
but we have built bombs capable of destroying all manakindo We have
yet to learn that brotherly love is net a state of mind but a state
of being.' You cannot legislate kindness9 fairnessg or even equality,
'these things come from the heart. Man has yet to accept that prejue
dice is a learned behavier and what ever is learned can be unlearned
if the desire is there.

We have placed man on the moon but have yet to conquer povertys
hunger, slums, air pollutions and a archaic penal systemo Man has
yet.to come to grips with himself. There is a wall around this pen-
itentiaryg made of concrete and limestoneg two or so feet thick but
it is not as thick as the wall we build around ourselves whichgdoes
not allow for change or admitted errors in judgemento “We“build this
.wall as individuals and as groups. Till we tear this fwall ”seen
around ourselves and see the truthg as well as accept it» we_?7will
continue mouthing cur false accomplishments and perpetuate thedfifimus
quo. It is written: “Ye shall know the truth and the tfihthhsmgtlset
you free“ea~aperhaps the seventies will see that fulfilled. It is up
to YOU and me what the seventies does fulfill.

FIRST TIME IN PRINT: Orville Bradley Gayg known as "O.B¥9 will read
his name in full here for the first time. He just 1 ltarfihfix to
greaduwne that isn‘t truem=the truth is? he doesn‘t like hissfifiame.
We don8t see anything wrong with it. When he reads this & thumps our
head, our opinion could change. When Apollo l2 made its return from
-the historic 5009000 + miles Journey and Astronaut Bean banged his
.head on the movie camera requiring several stitches, it caused ”O.B?
.to quip, "Well; you know what they saynwemm-most accidents occurwdust

lZEflmiles from home."
WE'RE WAITING: A local paper ran an article about a young ladybrel,
being sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. As this is the

penitentiary aaaaaa «we are looking forward to seeing her with a
'gyeat_deal ofooooooaowhatever we can muster. .

ONE LIP, TULIPS, WOULD YOU BELIEVE 109000? Tiny Ting the falsetton
361cc n _tmare9 tripped through lOQOOO tulips on Johnny Carson“s T.
V. show. ‘Making this trip with him was a l? year old what“s...




her°.oname. They'were married—«auto each other? Which proves two
things” Johnny was hard up for ratings and what“s her name was Just
hard up. ' ' "

, ., {H , ' a ’ ”f

. coma, ON PAGE 10 y ,







Continued from Page Nine
snubs POUNDIN B KEYS b ames

TIME 3 What is time? How does one define time? The dictionary dew
votes more space to it than any word in ito

Time is releyant. To a man doing something he enjoysp the hours are
not long enough. In prison an hour can be an eternity. Timeswathere
are songs about it.oo"Till The End Of Time"9"Anytime"9 “I Didn't know
What Time It Was? (then I bought a watch), and a favorite around here
"TIME ON MY HANDS“. In most conversations Time is the key subject°
We areeeither looking back or forward.coootelling what wasg what will
be.aoeoor what might have been.

I have found clustering little regrets hovering about me wherewever I
go, like myriads of little insects hovering a light; time of lost ope
portunities; time of sad "might have beans? "Who looking backward.o
from manhoodfls primeg Sees not the spectre of his misspent time?“
Time is never standing still, it moves on and either you move with it
or mug-rag mam behind.

Some Ju ”be hand out time like they believe some men have spare lives
in a trunk. Sometimesg we treat our life that way.

HONESTY: A little boy had alhabit of using bad language. The teacher
told him to go home and not to return without his father. The next
morning there was the boy and his pa. "I want you to standygainfidififi
back of the room and just listen to your little boy when I ask him a
question? The father went to the far end of the room and class began.
"Jehnnys asked the teacher sweetlyg who signed the Declaration of Ina
dependence?“ Jehnny quickly r pliedg "I told you yesterday!9 I don‘t
know who signed the dam thing " The teacher marched back to his fath
er, "Did you hear your little.boy?l" "Tesfigrl did and Iill take care
of it.ooooooo.JOhnny9 we may be poory9 and we may be dumbg but we are
honest.°ooo.o°if you signed that dam things tell the teachero"


bertrand russell

with thatg we close till next—manta? thewBESTvte~eaeh~and«everyov
one throughout 1970M”.o “

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could be a realityo .n
The second half of the meeting was called to order at 122h5 Po
M., by Billy G__~9 who then introduced Warden Wingoy who welcomed
the guests and said that he was glad to have them hereo He stated,
that he knew all members of the Hopeful Group had come to rely gre~
atly upon the outsiders in familiarity and carrying through their
weekly A. A0 progress° He wondered if2 perhaps9 there wa