"The Right Rev. Bishop Onderdonk, of Pennsylvania, was on
motion appointed chairman of the committee, to fill the vacancy
thus occasioned."
                                           June 271h, 1839.
   "The committee on the petition of Mr. Crum-inel, submitted
the following:
   ";The committee to whom was referred the petition of Air.
Clrumm.Al, respectfully report, that having deliber atelu considered
the said petition, they are of opinion that it ought not to be
granted, and they accordingly recommend to the Board of Trus-
tees the following resolution: Resolved, That the prayer of the
petitioner be not granted.
   "The Rev. Dr. Hawks, moved that the resolution recom-
mended in the report be adopted."
   Mr. Huntington moved,-
   "1 That the whole subject be recommitted, with instructions to
the committee to report, thatthe matters embraced in the petition
of Mr. Crunmmel are, accordinz to Section 1, of C(hap. VII. of the
Statutes, referrible to the facultv rather than this board."
   [This motion was lost, through fear, we are constrained
to believe, lest the faculty would not, if compelled to act,
refuse to Mr. Crummel a right that was so obviously his.]
    Whereupon the question upon accepting the report and
adopting the resolution recommended, was taken up and decided
in the affirniative.
   "The Right Rev. Bishop Doane gave notice, that he should, on
the morrow, ask leave to present to the board, and to enter upon
the minutes -a pr otest against the decision.
                                         Friday, June 28th.
   "The Right Rev. Bishop Doane, who had yesterday given no-
tice of his intention to aslk leave to enter a protest, c., changed
hiS intention as to the manner of presenting the subject, and
asked leave to state to the board his reasons, with a view to the
entering of the same on the minutes, for dissenting from the vote
of the majority on the report of the committee, to whom, was re-
ferred the petition of Mr. Crummel. Leave wvas not granted."
   During these proceedings, attempts were made by the
Bishop of New York to prevail on Mr. Crummel to with-
draw his application for admission, by assuring him "the
members of the faculty were willing to impart to him
[private] instruction in their respective departments ; and
that more evil than benefit would result both to the
church and himself, by a formal application in his behalf
for admission into the seminary."
 Dr. Hawks is the liistorian of the Episcopal church iN the Uiiited States.
If it be true, as we have seen stated in an American newspaper, that this
gentleman is himself of mixed blood-and his conmplexion a little favors the
statement-it proves that the admixture does not deteriorate the intellectual
powers; for in the oratory of the pulpit, and as a writer, DiP. Ii. stands, de-
servedly, among the distinguished men of America.