
     (14) Caey-1Iead. A~obunt.  The certifications of H. E. Curtis
and. D.'H.' Peak -as-to the bill of 't'he Caroy-Reed Company For $18128l '
for building road. connect5ing 'Gxahan' Avenue a-nd the hUniversitGy campus
were deemed'-sufficient-and. the amount ,aTs ordered paid as follows:
three.-fouirths 'out of the Experiment Statonh Pund and one-fourth
Out Of the"Gen'eral Fund,' the 'road. beingA three-fo'urths on Experiment
Station lots and. one-fourth on the University campus.

     (15) Cafeteria Q0uarters.  It was ordered that, part of -the base-
ment of Science -Building -be reconstructed anid repaired. for use as
cafeteria rooms, the cost to approximate $4,'500.

     (16)- Rooms for the Department ol. Music.  It was ordered thaat
part of the -basermeat -of- -atter ion -Hall -be -r constru'oted and repaired
fr e1se by the" Departme nt of fusc, the cost t6 be appr-ximate1y -
$1;800; and that pianos be purchased for use theredir no'. more than
five in number, to be paid. for out of rental earnings.

     (17x) Rebuilding of EAfri an"Baptist Church or Wihslo'w Sti-eet
It was- ordered. -than -an -investigation -be made -as -to .-he report o-f
rebuilding African Baptist Church on Winslow Street.

     (18})B7.-- _aqernian Claimi.  The Business Agent. was ordcered
to6 investigate -tte  l-3im~of-B2 C. Hagernanftor gymnasium Zoods Wild.
typewr~iter 6ur'_rt'ed to have- been s61d to the University in 1909;
and report at the next meeting of the Committee.

     (WUg)   of Automobiles and Payj~ant Therefor.  The following
recommendations -of -Dear -Cooper -were -approved:-

                     University of Kentucky

                                       July 6; 1920

    President Prank L. McVey

         University of Kentuck-y

    My dear President McVey:

         Referring '-o -my recent memorandium to you, I wtish to
    recommend that permission be given for the payment of th e
    sum of $50 a month to county and hone dehonstration agents
    using personally 6urned automhobiles in'lieu of any o-filer
    expense suoh:as liveryr hire, vehicles, or expenditures on
    their own- automobiles,, with the  roVision'Ehat such 2payments
    may be made to such agents as may within tho discretion of