He also indicated that the gift from Mrs. Joseph C. Graves of her late
husband's press and library was a particularly valuable gift, not only from the
monetary standpoint, but from the fact that Mr. Graves' library contained
many out-of-print books and the hand press would permit the Library to initiate
some programs in the publications area which have not been possible heretofore.

       Governor Breathitt, who arrived while President Oswald was comment-
ing on the report, called for a motion. On motion duly made, seconded, and
carried PR 3, Supplemental Recommendations of the President, was approved
as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the December 13,
1966 meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       F. Report of Secretary on Results of Alumni Association Member
Election (PR 4)

       The term of Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer as alumnus member of the Board
expires December 31, 1966. An election has been held among the alumni of the
University as prescribed by Statute and in accordance with rules and regulations
of the Board of Trustees. As secretary of the Board of Trustees, Dr. H. B.
Murray supervised the counting of the ballots and certified the results in a letter
to Dr. John Oswald under date of December 13, 1966. Dr. Murray read this
letter, a copy of which is included in PR 4 at the end of the Minutes, to the

       On motion duly made, seconded and passed the report of the secretary of
the Board of Trustees on the results of the election authorized by the Alumni As-
sociation was received and ordered put to record and he was authorized to certify
to the Governor the names of the three persons receiving the largest number of
votes, from which list a successor to Mr. Hillenmeyer would be appointed. (See
PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       G. Adjustment of Room and Board Rates (PR 5a and 5b)

       Mr. Kerley recommended that the semester room and board rates be ad-
justed to $425 effective the fall semester 1967 in the residence halls and dining
facilities and that the semester room rates for single student housing in Coopers-
town be adjusted as shown in PR 5b, a copy of which is attached. He explained
that the recommended rates were necessary because of increasing operational
costs. Mr. Smith, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, concurred and ex-
pressed the feeling that the proposed rates were both reasonable and necessary.

       On motion by Mr. Smith, seconded bv Dr. Angelucci, and without ob-
jection, the recommendations for adjustment of room and board rates in residence
halls and dining facilities and for single students residing in Cooperstown as con-
tained in PR 5a and PR 5b were approved and ordered made a part of the official
Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 5a and PR 5b at the end of the Minutes.-)