. xii Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the
E l
l G Resigned September 1, 1913, to take up work as Instructor A
j_   . ` in Scientific Illustration in the College of Agriculture of the ·
    University of California, Berkeley, California. _
lj     Dr. R. L. Pontius, Field Expert in Administration of Hog
    · Cholera Serum. Resigned to engage in the practice of _
[   I veterinary medicine in Lancaster, Kentucky. —
  , Mr. A. J. Reed, Dairy Expert, United States Department
;.j,   of Agriculture. Resigned to take up similar work in North `
it     · Carolina. ` . l
  As at present organized, the Kentucky Agricultural
  G Experiment Station includes the following departments:
  Department of Administration—Messrs. Kastle, Curtis
  ° · and Davies. A U ·
    Department of Agronomy—Professor` George Roberts,
  Head. ` p _
  Department of Animal Husbandry—(Beef Cctttle,_Sheep
=:§§ »~..   and Swine).-Professor E. S. Good, Head.
.',     ` Department of Animal Husbandry- (Dairy Cattle, Horses
  clncl Ponllry).»Pr0fessor J. J. Hooper, Head. `
  Department of Chemistry»Dr. A. M. Peter, Head.
  Department of Entomology and Botany~ Professor H. .
    Garman, Head.
  Department of Extension——Professor T. R. Bryant, Head.
  Department of Feed Control rMr. J. D. Turner, Head.
    A Department of Fertilizer Control——Mr. H. E. Curtis, Head.
  l Department of Food and Drug Control-Mr. R. M. Allen,
  ` Head. , ~ ‘
  Department of Horticulture—Professor C. W. Mathews, V
  Head. ‘
  A - Department of Research#Dr. Joseph H. Kastle, Head.
  The work of these departments for the year 1913, may be
  summarized as follows:
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