l V
l xxxviii Twentysixth Annual Report of the
V   sent to the laboratory for microscopical— and chemical
A Z analysis. ' l
-   For the year 1913, 1504 different brands offeeding stufs
    . were registered, representing 529 firms and the sum of
L   I $26,142.15 was received in fees. i
  ` I In connection with the work of the Department, practi-
  i · cally every town in the State, where commercial feeding
;_g_  stuffs are sold, or are likely to be sold, has been visited by
  our inspectors. Special attention has been given to misrep-
E} .--l   resentation and to the unwarranted claims made by unscrup-
    ulous manufacturers of feeding stuffs and a number of feeds
    and feeding stuffs have been refused sale within the bound-
    aries of the State. The Department of Bleed Control has
  ‘ also made a number of examinations of feeding stuffs sus-
  pected to be the cause of death of stock and poultry, with
  the result that some of these were found to contain poison-
  ous weed seeds and fungi. A number of damage suits have
Y; .'.'° _``‘·   E been won on information furnished by this Department in `
  such cases. "
    That part of the feed control law that deals with medicated
  · stock and poultry feeds, tonics, conditioners and regulators,
  has not as yet been enforced, for the reason that the consti-
  tutionality of this specific part of the law is now being
    tested. In the case of Savage versus Indiana, however, the
  United States Supreme Court held that this provision of the
  , Indiana law, which is similar to the Kentucky law, is con-
  stitutional. It is proposed, therefore, to take up this phase
  of the work at the earliest possible date. V
  of Fertilizer Control is one of the oldest departments of
  Experiment Station work and during the past year, the
  work of this Department has been administered with its
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