Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. xxxix
usual efficiency and to the best interests of all concerned.
During the year, 735 brands of fertilizers were registered
and samples of these various brands sent by manufacturers
have been analyzed, as well as samples collected by deputy
inspectors and those sent by farmers. The results of these
analyses are given in Bulletin 177, pages 411 to 591 of this "
Tags and stamps to the amount of 3,347,434 have been _
_ issued for which the Experiment Station has received the
_ sum of $33,239.33.
_ DErARTMEN·r or Fooo AND DRUG CoNTRoL. Besides the ‘
B regular inspection and exainination of food and drug samples
Z and reports to the State’s attorneys thereon, this department
D has directed special attention towards the following subjects;
Q slaughter—house investigations, including plans for the estab-
lishment and control of the municipal abattoir; the sanitary
Q inspection of grocery stores and the proper labeling of retail
H packages to show adulteration after the product has been
taken by the grocer out of properly labeled wholesale pack- -
d ages; sanitary inspection of bakeries and the examination
_ of materials employed in baking; sanitary inspection of
i’ dairies, and a bacteriological survey of the State’s milk `
I- supply, including not only examination of the product from
g the dairies and milk depots, but also of samples taken from
le the market and in cooperation with city health departments;
19 the examination of bleached flour; the examination of dried
q- fruits and sausage for _s-ulphites; the analysis of rice to
SG determine coating and polishing, and the perfecting of a
better method for determining added talc; an inspection of
nt cold storage warehouses; an inspection of the sanitary con-
éf dition of the "pop" factories, including an extended bac- .
19 teriological and chemical examination of carbonated beverages
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