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V Mineral Waters. 601 » j A
 _ Parts Grains ,
 A ANALYSIS- - per million. ·per gallon. `
  Total solids at 100" C. .... - ..... 250. 14.6 I ‘
  Ignited solids ._.._ . ....___._ in 214. 12.5  
Very slight charring and odor a' ‘
_I¢ J on heating. p 2 s
%j omonn _.._._.. - ___._.________ 6. @ ,  
  No nitrite; trace nitrate; no free ammonia. The mineral 4     .
i? matter is mainly calcium carbonate with some magnesium   · j
  carbonate, a little calcium sulfate, sodium chlorid and     p j
  marked traces of potassium, zinc, iron, strontium, lithium, if _`
lj silica and phosphate.   i 3- t
  LABoRAToRY No. 43301»Water from a bored well on the ;`    j
  farm of W. W. Estill on the Winchester pike. The well ’   I  
  is 105 feet deep. Fifteen thousand gallons have been     Y
j pumped out in one day. Sample contains a very little sedi-     Q. Q
‘ ment. Received October 10th, 1913.  il T- -   .,
J ANALYs1s—One gallon contains 41.8 grains of solid matter   Q 
‘ (.726 gram per liter) composed of calcium carbonate, magne-  
  sium carbonate, sodium chlorid, sodium sulfate, and traces g|i;_¤ -·_· -_ _-
  of iron, silica, potassium sulfate and lithium carbonate.   `;,;;.l’j
  The analysis shows very little more mineral matter than  
  is found in the ordinary well water of this region.   --‘-‘.r Q,.
  morn ooUNTY.  SZ]
  Three samples of water sent September 7th, 1913, by Dr. do 
  E, H, Maggard, Allen, Ky., for the Elkhorn Fuel Company jj%};`Z"I*
 ‘ of that place. Nos. 2 and 3 show considerable ferruginous  
  sediment.  it  
  LABoRAToRY No. 43257—Marked "Well No. 1, Bunk House."  
  ANALYSIS-——One gallon contains 24.0 grains of solid matter  
  (.412 gram per liter) composed of sodium chlorid, sodium  
' carbonate, calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate in  
* moderate quantities, with traces of iron, silica and potassium  
— .