El Mineral Waters. 611 ‘ `   l L
T It is an alkaline, magnesian water and should have medi-   P L
cinal value on account of the magnesium carbonate and E  
magnesium sulfate it contains.  
LABORATORY NO. 43275-—Well water sent by J. F. Dudgeon,    
‘ Penick, Ky. The water is said to taste of sulfur and to  
— act on the kidneys. Sample very slightly turbid water. ~   -vV. V
1 Received October 3, 1913. A    
. ANALYSIS-One gallon contains 112.8 grains of solid matter  
A 1 (1.934 gram per liter) composed mainly of sodium chlorid, lj;  
  sodium sulfate, calcium sulfate, small amounts of calcium  
, carbonate and magnesium carbonate and traces of iron, silica, .  
l potassium sulfate, iodid, bromid and lithium.  if
’ It is a weak saline water and should have some medicinal   _—,   
t · a Value- ( . 
_ LABORATORY No. 43073—Mineral water sent to Prof. H. D,  
  Easton by the Central Coal and Iron Company, Central  
1 City, Ky. Received about June 9,1913. Contained a  
slight, brownish ferruginous sediment.  
ANALYs1s—One gallon contains 128. grains of mineral  
matter (2.195 grams per liter) composed mainly of calcium  
. sulfate, magnesium sulfate, sodium chlorid, a littleferrous  
  sulfate and some aluminum sulfate. The water reacts dis-  
  tinctly acid. The acid character and high mineral content  
I of this water render it unfit for use in steam boilers, without  
, purification, as it would both corrode and form scale. It , 
{ belongs to the class of so-called "alum" waters and should · 
i have some medicinal value. A , t 
l ¤ -, 5
i LABORATORY NO. 43158—Mineral water sent June 16, 1913,  
l by W. P. Poole & Bro., Rochester, Ky., from a never fail-  
ing spring on Mud River, about 4 miles southwest of  
Rochester. A 
i 2  
l ,. J