E » — .
E 6 Kentucky Agricultural Eaxpcriment Station. i
i _ Members of the old Geological Survey Staff, who published ob-
i. servations on Kentucky woody plants in·the reports of 18804884, V
  are, Professor A. R. Crandall, and Messrs. John Hussey, Lafayette
  l . - DeFriese and W. M_. Linney. Professor Crandall examined the .
E forest trees of Carter, Boyd and Lawrence counties; Hussey, those  -
i i of Barren and Edmonson counties. DeFriese seems to have traveled  
  . _ from the vicinity of Columbus on the west to Pound Gap near our  t
; 4 east boundary ; while Linney gives a good account of the trees and  
  I shrubs of Boyle and Mercer counties. &
l It is a pleasure to bear witness in this relation to the devo-  J
  tion to the study of our native plants by a Kentucky woman also,  °_
  the late Miss Sadie F. Price, of Bowling Green. Her death from  '
` typhoid fever was, I suppose, a result `of enthusiasm for botany, be-  s
{ ing probably contracted on some one of her collecting trips in the =
j region about Bowling Green. Her work was but just begun when  »
i the end came. `  .
` i The immediate incentive to the publication of the present list  
  comes from the project recently set on foot by Attorney General
it Garnett, of establishing a planting on the Capitol Grounds at
  Frankfort, to which each county shall contribute a tree of its own .
  selection. It was proposed in the Fayette Committee, consisting of  
_ »_ H. F. Hillenmeyer, J. W. Porter and the author of this list, that if  f
agreed to by the Governor and Judge Garnett the plan be extended  *
2 to provide for a complete representation of the woody plants of  J
` Kentucky, thus constituting an arboretum covering some of the  `_
» ground of the one Rafinesque planned years ago when connected  _,
¥ with Transylvania University. The interest in the matter shown  S
i by Governor James B. McCreary and the members of his official i
  family promised to make the enterprise a success this time, and  I
" a preliminary list of our commoner trees and shrubs was submitted  A
i by me in which characteristic species were assigned to each county ·
  in the State.  I
. 4 The list here presented completes this list, tho it has rbeen in g
  my hands practically as now printed for more thanjten years. The  _
  arrangement followed is that of Gray’s Manual, Seventh Edition. ir  c
tz A question mark precedes the names of species as to whose occurrence e
  in Kentucky I have some doubt. Introduced trees are not included. >
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