A l viii Twenty-sixth Annual Report of the
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r     Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station ‘
    Fon THE YEAR 191S. · »
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  _-`4   The year 1913 has been one of progress and substantial
      growth in the work of the Experiment Station. Among the
oft-  li items of general interest affecting our work may be men- ..  
  ’_‘` ,   tioned the following: _ _ A
 ’i » Cooperation with the Central Kentucky Millers? Associa-
  tion,_ looking to the wider and more general distribution of
  Jersey Fultz wheat for seed purposes, progress in the work . ·
  l and cultivation of the several experimental farms now being
  Operated in various localities throughout the State, the
  experimental study of infectious abortion in cows and
  mares, the completion of a new barn for beef cattle feeding
    experiments and the inauguration of such experiments, also
    extensive studies in swine feeding, greatly increased facili-
    ties for the preparation and distribution of hog cholera
  serum, the study of inherited characteristics of horses and
  jacks, the rearing and feeding of jacks, jennets and mules,
  the organization of a State dairymen’s association, the
  establishment of cow testing associations, the study of
  the Sharples vacuum milking machine as compared with
  hand milking, experiments in the feeding of dairy cat-
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  tle, the establishment of a poultry plant on the Experi-
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